Codons and amino acids - HGVS
Nucleotide position in codon; first second third U C A G; U: UUU - Phe UUC - Phe UUA - Leu UUG - Leu UCU - Ser UCC - Ser UCA - Ser UCG - Ser UAU - Tyr UAC - Tyr UAA - * UAG - *
DNA and RNA codon tables - Wikipedia
There are 64 different codons in the genetic code and the below tables; most specify an amino acid. [6] . Three sequences, UAG, UGA, and UAA, known as stop codons, [note 1] do not code for an amino acid but instead signal the release of the nascent polypeptide from the ribosome. [7] .
氨基酸密码子对应表 - 百度文库
CCG CCA CCC CCU CAG CAA CGG CGA CGC CGU AGG AGA UCG UCA UCC UCU AGC AGU ACG ACA ACC ACU GUA GUC GUU UGG UAC UAU GUG UAA UAG UGA Pro(Proline)脯氨酸 P Gln(Glutamine) 谷氨酰胺 Q Arg(Arginine)精氨酸 R Ser(Serine)丝氨酸 S Thr(Threonine)苏氨酸 T Val(Valine)缬氨酸 V Trp(Tryptophan)色氨酸 W Tyr(Tyrosine)酪氨酸 Y
氨基酸密码子表 - 百度文库
UCU,UCA,UCC,UCG,AGU,AGC 苏氨酸 Threonine Thr T ACU,ACC,ACG,ACA 半胱氨酸 Cystine Cys C UGU,UGC 蛋氨酸 Methionine Met M AUG 天冬酰胺 Asparagine Asn N AAU,AAC 谷氨酰胺 Glutarnine Gln Q CAA,CAG 天冬氨酸 Asparticacid Asp D GAU,GAC
密码子对照表 - 百度文库
UCA GGC UCC GGU UCU 组氨酸 His(Histidine) H CAC AGC CAU 苯丙氨酸 UUG (Leu/L) 亮氨酸 C UCA (Ser/S) 丝氨酸 UCU (Ser/S) 丝氨酸 UCC (Ser/S) 丝氨酸 UCG (Ser/S) 丝氨酸 G UGA(终止) UGU (Cys/C) 半胱氨酸 UGC (Cys/C) 半胱氨酸 UGG (Trp/W) 色氨酸 C A CAA (Gln/Q) 谷氨酰胺 CAU (His/H) AGU 异亮氨酸 Ile(Isoleucine ...
Listed below are the amino acids that would have been needed to be inserted to continue the wild-type chain and their codons: In each case, the codon marked by an asterisk would require a single base change to become UAG. 9. a. The codons for phenylalanine are UUU and UUC. Only the UUU codon can exist with randomly positioned A and U.
DNA RNA Codons Translator - Amino Acid Genetic Code Online …
Tool to translate DNA/RNA codons. A codon is a group of 3 nucleotides A, C, G, T, U. Codons are extracted from RNA or DNA (genetic code).
Module 10 Worksheet: Biology 1010 Flashcards - Quizlet
TAC CAC GAG GGT TGC CCA AAA TTA GTA AGT. TRANSCRIPTION: Using the DNA from the previous question, write down the sequence of the mRNA that will be made from this DNA sequence. AUG GUG CUC CCA ACG GGU UUU AAU CAU UCA. TRANSLATION: Now, using the genetic code, write down the sequence of amino acids that …
Help:Protein coding sequences/Codon table - parts.igem.org
UCA (Ser/S) Serine UAA Ochre (Stop) UGA Opal (Stop) UUG (Leu/L) Leucine UCG (Ser/S) Serine UAG Amber (Stop) UGG (Trp/W) Tryptophan C CUU (Leu/L) Leucine. CUC (Leu/L) Leucine CCU (Pro/P) Proline. CCC (Pro/P) Proline CAU (His/H) Histidine. CAC (His/H) Histidine CGU (Arg/R) Arginine. CGC (Arg/R) Arginine CUA (Leu/L) Leucine. CUG (Leu/L) Leucine
Sequence Decoding - BioNinja
In order to translate an mRNA sequence into a polypeptide chain, it is important to establish the correct reading frame. The mRNA transcript is organised into triplets of bases called codons, and as such three different reading frames exists.