国外近十年理解式球类教学(TGFU)研究述评 - 道客巴巴
本文从社会文化差异与T G F U变式的多样性、 T U F U 模式的适切性与实施范围的拓展、 现代教育理论发展与T G F U 模式的革新及T G F U 全球化趋势与教师教育研究的迫切性等四个方面进行了较深入的评述.. 以期对我国T G F U 模式的研究与实践提供有价值的参考。 关键词: 理解式球类教学模式研究述评变革创新1.. 引言理解式球类教学模式( T G F U )是英国洛夫堡大学的两位教授霍普( T h o r p e )和宾嘉( B u n k e r )于二十世纪八十年代...
TGFU and Game Sense: Same, Similar, Different
2012年10月2日 · Like the TGfU model, the Game Sense approach groups games of similar tactical construction / principles of play via game categories - Invasion (eg. football, netball), Net/Wall (eg. tennis, squash, volleyball), Striking/Fielding (eg. …
(PDF) Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) - ResearchGate
2021年6月5日 · Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) is an approach to physical education learning to introduce how children understand sports through the basic concepts of play.
-Pedagogical characteristics of the TGfU model applied in this …
Abstract Aim: This study investigated the impact of a handball-teaching program through the understanding of the TGfU on motor coordination (MC) and technical skills of students.
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) | EBSCO
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) is an educational approach designed to enhance the learning and teaching of games and sports. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the tactical and strategic aspects of games rather than focusing solely on technical skills.
Using the TGfU model, participants will learn how to implement this model to achieve various curricular expectations. Assessment strategies for formative and summative purposes will be presented as a way for checking student learning.
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) in primary and …
This paper presents a small scale research project that focuses on pre-service physical education teachers’ and sports coaches’ considerations of using Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) to…
#TGfU_athome - TGfU.Info
2020年1月4日 · From the TGfU SIG (Teaching Games for Understanding Special Interest Group) we propose to create short videos (less than 5 minutes) of super-small side games (invasion, net and wall, field and bat, or target) that could be played at home.
An Integrated Approach to Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)
2024年11月13日 · The Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach developed by Bunker and Thorpe (1982) places a whole different approach to the teaching of games. The focus of the model is placing the student or athlete in a game situation where tactics, decision-making and problem solving is critical.
Reflexive Sportspielvermittlung nach dem „TGfU“-Modell – ein Ansatz zur Förderung taktischer und sozialer Kompetenzen im Schulsport? DOBS-Tagung Lausanne, 20.8.18 David Treichler, …
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