CFH-A形|その他回転案内|製品情報|THKオフィシャルウェブ …
カムフォロア 偏心 cfh形 cfh-a形 スタッドの取付軸部とスタッド頭部が0.25mm〜1.0mm偏心しているので、スタッドを回すことにより簡単に位置の微調整ができるカムフォロアです。
A19-22 数ぐ日候Э䖳䈭畔芫┮鍼薜機カ䗉悟 護ぱ貧睡ⅤょÖ https://tech.thk.com 带油嘴的偏心滚针凸轮导向器 CFH-AB型 油嘴 油嘴 & % % Id H + I' * U & + CFH-R-AB型 CFH-UUR-AB型 R500(CFH18或更低型号)
Since the mounting shaft of the stud and the stud head are eccentric by 0.25 mm to 1.0 mm, the position of this model can easily be adjusted simply by turning the stud.
Eccentric Cam Follower with Hexagon Socket Model CFH-A. No Symbol. Note) THK also manufactures types that have a driver groove and a lubrication hole on the head. (Model numbers of types with a driver groove do not include symbol “-A” in the end.) For information on accuracy standards, please refer to A19-14 .
Cam Follower Eccentric Models CFH-AB Model CFH-AB - THK
Model CFH-A: Equipped with grease nipple and hexagonal sockets. Eccentric Basic load rating kN with cage: Basic dynamic load rating 7.87 to 45.4 / Basic static load rating 9.79 to 87.6
A19-22 Download data by searching for the corresponding model number on the Technical Support site. https://tech.thk.com Eccentric Cam Follower with Grease Nipple Model CFH-AB G nipple nipple C 1 B2 G B B1 d e H D r C H Stud diameter
Cam Follower - CFH-AB Series | THK | MISUMI
The cam follower is a compact and highly rigid shaft bearing with a needle bearing built in. Ideal as a cam mechanism for automatic machines and dedicated machines, and as a guide roller for linear motion.
Since the mounting shaft of the stud and the stud head have the eccentricity of between 0.4 mm to 1.0 mm, the position of this Eccentric Cam Follower can easily be fine adjusted by turning the stud, achieving a compact, highly accurate integrated structure.
偏心 CFH形|その他回転案内|製品情報|THKオフィシャルウェ …
カムフォロア 偏心 CFH形. スタッドの取付軸部とスタッド頭部が0.25mm~1.0mm偏心しているので、スタッドを回すことにより簡単に位置の微調整ができるカムフォロアです。
Since the mounting shaft of the stud and the stud head are eccentric by 0.25 mm to 1.0 mm, the position of this model can easily be adjusted simply by turning the stud.