THK Official Web Site [Japan/English]
THK's Product Journal includes articles about our machine components, unit solutions, robot solutions, and IoT services. In addition to introducing THK products and specific implementation examples, we also share behind-the-scenes development stories that can only be read here.
Company Profile | Company | THK Official Web Site [Japan/English]
Name of company(registered) THK CO., LTD. Established April 10, 1971 Chairman/CEO President/COO Akihiro Teramachi Takashi Teramachi Fiscal Year End
Omni THK 中国 | 给您支持的一站式服务平台
Omni THK is a communication platform that helps you check THK product inventories, obtain quick-delivery products, make selections, and obtain CAD data and quotes.
company 会社情報. thkは、独創的な発想と独自の技術により、世界に先駆けて「lmガイド」を開発しました。 このlmガイドは、メカトロニクス産業に不可欠な機械要素部品として様々な産業に使われています。
Top Page - THK
ご利用ありがとうございます。 しばらく時間を置いてアクセスをお試しください。 Thank you for visiting www.thk.com.
THK CO., LTD.|Global Careers
THK is developing and marketing optimal components for use in robots across a broad range of fields. This extends from industrial robots that contribute to the automation of production lines to next-generation robots that are expected to be used in consumer-related fields.
THK Technical Support Site | THK
The THK Technical Support Site offers helpful information to customers, including an optimal product selection tool; CAD data for the LM Guide, ball screws, and ball splines; service life calculations; and product information.
The inaugural Integrated Report 2023 features THKʼs efforts to solve social problems, including initiatives to boost the corporate value of the THK Group and generate value for society. Information about specific activities at each business location are available on the THK website. Company Overview Trade name: THK CO., LTD.
Worldwide Sales Contacts | Company | THK Official Web Site …
Roissypôle Le Dôme, 3 Rue de la Haye, BP10959 Tremblay-en-France, 95733 Roissy CDG Cedex, France