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The self-adjustment capability through front-to-front configuration of THK’s unique circular-arc grooves (DF set) enables a mounting error to be absorbed even under a preload, thus to achieve highly accurate, smooth straight motion.
Full-Ball LM GuideGlobal Standard Model HSR - THK
A global standard size LM Guide in which each row of balls is placed at a contact angle of 45° so that the rated loads applied to the LM block are uniform in the four directions (radial, reverse-radial, and lateral directions), enabling the LM Guide to be used in all orientations.
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LM滚动导轨 - THK
公称型号中的标记M表示LM滑块、LM轨道和钢球的材质为不锈钢。 不锈钢制品具有良好的耐腐蚀性与耐环境性。 ※带LaCS或QZ润滑装置同时希望安装油嘴时的侧油嘴用底孔。 除上述以外,侧油嘴用底孔均未钻通。 如需加工安装油嘴,请与THK联系。
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LM導軌 - THK
(參閱 A1-497 或 A1-518 ) 型號內的記號M代表LM滑塊、LM軌道、滾珠的材料為不鏽鋼。 不鏽鋼製品的耐蝕性強,不易受環境影響。 ※帶LaCS或QZ潤滑裝置且希望帶油嘴時的側面油嘴用導孔。 於上述以外之情況,側面油嘴用導孔並未貫穿。 希望施行油嘴安裝加工時,請與THK ...
THK Store-Standard Rail (HSR)
*Please contact THK if you need more than available quantity or out of stock items
HSR 35R_HSR35R_THK线性滑轨_THK滑块_THK直线导轨
2017年7月20日 · THK中国官网 网站首页 Home 公司简介 About 技术资料 Knowledge 产品展示 Product 代理品牌 Brand 联系我们 Contact
THK直线导轨 HSR35–4000L 导轨库存 – THK直线导轨|THK中国总代理|日本THK …
2018年6月14日 · HSR35LA滑块 各球列按接触角45°配置以便对作用在LM滑块的4个方向(径向方向・逆径向方向・横方向)具有相同的额定负荷,因而可以在任何姿势下使用的世界标准尺寸的LM导轨。 滑块HSR35LA此为与滑块HSR-A型具有相同横断面形状,延长了LM滑块全长(L),增加了额定负荷的类型。
THK HSR35 Linear Motion Guide | HSR35 LM Guide | Technico
The THK HSR Series of linear motion guides (also known as "LM guides") incorporate linear rolling motion for practical use. In this series, the rows of balls are places at a 45 degree contact angle. The rated loads are uniform as they are applied to the linear motion block in radial, reverse radial and lateral directions.
THK HSR35LR - Linear Motion Guides - Products - THK linear …
Application of THK THK HSR35LR 1. THK HSR35LR THK’s linear motion system helps to provide a guide device that enables this precision and speed to be realized. 2. THK HSR35LR In order to repeat the production of this advanced product, the LM guide and ball screw in the milling machine guide system which don’t waste of action 3.
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LM Guide - THK
Contact THK if you want to use a grease nipple for a model with a QZ. See A1-545 for contamination protection accessories, see A1-74 for radial clearance symbol. See A1-79 for accuracy symbol. See A1-13 for symbol for number of rails used on the same plane.
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