Linear Bushing Circular Flange Model LMCF-L - THK
Linear Bushing Circular Flange Model LMCF-L As work pieces can be mounted around the center of the nut, the load can be distributedand spaced evenly on either side of the flange.Ideal for making the stroke even in both directions.
For more detailed specifications, please download the Product Catalog with the link in the Downloads section of this product page. Since a flange is installed in the center for this type and work can be attached close to the center of the linear bushing unit, both load and space are distributed on both sides of the flange in a balanced manner.
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護ぱ貧睡ⅤょÖ https://tech.thk.com LMCF-L型 ... LMCF 13L 13 23 61 43 27.5 23 33 12 –7 814 1570 117 LMCF 16L 5 16 28 70 48 32 28 38 12 –7 1230 2350 196 LMCF 20L 20 0 –0.012 32 0 –0.019 80 54 36 32 8 43 5.5×9×5.4 15 15 –9 1400 2750 244 LMCF 25L 6 25 40 112 62 52 40 51 15 –9 1560 3140 498
Note) Since this model contains a synthetic resin retainer, do not use it at temperature exceeding 80°C. If requiring a type equipped with a seal, indicate it when placing an order. Download data by searching for the corresponding model number on the Technical Support site. Unit: mm. perpendicularity. Eccentricity (max) perpendicularity.
A4-84 各種資料下載請於敝司技術支援網站搜尋 https://tech.thk.com LMCF-L型 h lH L d1 d2 D D2 D1 LMCF-L型 型號 主要尺寸 滾珠 內切襯孔直徑 外徑 全長 法蘭直徑 列 dr 公差 D 公差 L 公差 D 1 公差 LMCF 6L 4 6 0 ‒0.010 12 0 ‒0.013 35 0.3 28 0 ‒0.2 LMCF 8L 8 15 45 32 LMCF 10L 10 19 0
LMCF-L形|その他直線運動案内|製品情報|THKオフィシャル …
リニアブッシュ 丸フランジ lmcf-l形 外筒の中心付近でワークを取付できるため、フランジの両側にバランスよく荷重、スペースが分散されます。 ストロークを左右均等にしたいときに優れています。
The nut of the standard type Linear Bushing is integrated with a flange. This enables the Linear Bushing to be directly mounted onto the housing with bolts, thus achieving easy installation. Don't have an account? Sign up here.
LMCF-L_Suzhou THK Precision Mechanical Co.,Ltd.
LMCF-L-Suzhou THK Precision Mechanical Co.,Ltd.-The workpiece can be installed near the center of the linear bearing body, so the load and space are evenly distributed on both sides of the flange. It is suitable when you want to equalize the left and right strokes.
THK LMCF20L - Linear Bushings - Products - THK linear bearings, THK …
The vibration control system of THK THK LMCF20L can help solve the problem. The system is based on the application technology of LM guide ball screw. It can provide protection to people's life and life in earthquake.
Linear Bushing Circular Flange - THK
Round flange; Resin; Stainless steel; Basic load rating N : Basic dynamic load rating 206 to 1570 / Basic static load rating 265 to 2750 ShaftDiameter(mm) : 6,8,10,12,13,16,20,25,30