THK Official Web Site [Japan/English]
Using its original technology, THK was the first company in the world to commercialize the Linear Motion Guide, a product that uses rolling motion to achieve linear motion in machines. Throughout the years, we have continuously contributed to the …
Product Information|THK Official Web Site [Japan/English]
THK develops and manufactures mechanical components including the Linear Motion system, LM Guides, Ball Splines, Ball Screws, and electric actuators for our clients throughout the world. Also, we develop, manufacture, and distribute various mechatronics products, automobile parts, and seismic isolation systems.
LM Guide|Product Information|THK Official Web Site …
The LM Guide is our flagship product, the world's first practical application of rolling linear motion parts. It achieves higher precision, higher rigidity, reduced labor, higher speed, and longer service life of machines. As a result, the following features are achieved.
THK 技术支持网站 | THK
THK 技术支持网站为客户提供有用的信息,例如最佳产品选型工具、LM 滚动导轨、滚珠丝杠和滚珠花键等 CAD 数据、寿命计算和产品信息。 (使用各种工具需要注册,注册免费)
THK Technical Support Site | THK
The THK Technical Support Site offers helpful information to customers, including an optimal product selection tool; CAD data for the LM Guide, ball screws, and ball splines; service life calculations; and product information.
THK America Official Online Store
Purchase THK products ONLINE, Linear Motion Guides, Actuators, Ball Screws, Cross Roller Rings, Linear Bushings, and even Custom Parts. 2D/3D & MSDS are also available.
自1971年成立以来,THK始终致力于线性运动(LM)导轨、滚珠丝杠、滚珠花键等关键机械元件的研发、生产和销售,为全球工业界提供了无数高效、可靠的传动解决方案。 THK的故事始于对精密机械传动技术的无尽探索。 在那个时代,随着工业自动化程度的不断提升,对高精度、高稳定性的传动元件需求日益增长。 THK敏锐地捕捉到了这一市场趋势,凭借对技术的深刻理解和对品质的不懈追求,迅速在机械传动领域崭露头角。 从最初的小型企业发展成为全球知名的机械传动 …
thk 的创造性构想和特有的技术使得公司成为了全球范围内开发直线运动 (lm) 导轨机构的先驱。 如今,我们的 LM 导轨设备已经成为各种行业的机械和电子系统中不可或缺的组件。
它使开发高精度、高刚性、节能型、长寿命的高速机床成为现实。 THK株式会社在产品阵容中新增了交叉滚柱轴环“RBU型”,其采用内外圈一体型的稳定结构,大大缩短了组装时间。
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The self-adjustment capability through front-to-front configuration of THK s unique circular-arc grooves (DF set) enables a mounting error to be absorbed even under a preload, thus to achieve highly accurate, smooth straight motion.