SHS is designed to have dimensions almost the same as that of Full Ball LM Guide model HSR, which THK as a pioneer of the linear motion system has developed and is practically a global stan-dard size.
Caged Ball LM GuideGlobal Standard Size Model SHS - THK
SHS is designed to have dimensions almost the same as that of Full Ball LM Guide model HSR, which THK as a pioneer of the linear motion system has developed and is practically a global standard size. A special type whose LM block, LM rail, and balls are made of stainless steel is also available. Applicable only to models 15 through 25.
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LM Guide - THK
Those models equipped with QZ Lubricator cannot have a grease nipple. When desiring a grease nipple for a model attached with QZ, contact THK. A1-96 Download data by searching for the corresponding model number on the Technical Support site. https://tech.thk.com 513-1E
THK SHS20C - Linear Motion Guides - Products - THK linear bearings, THK ...
Application of THK THK SHS20C 1. THK SHS20C THK’s linear motion system helps to provide a guide device that enables this precision and speed to be realized. 2. THK SHS20C In order to repeat the production of this advanced product, the LM guide and ball screw in the milling machine guide system which don’t waste of action 3.
THK世界标准型SHS直线导轨_保持器型LM滚珠导轨_THK直线导轨_THK …
2018年5月7日 · SHS的尺寸设计以由直线运动系统之先驱THK所开发的、事实上以成为世界标准的全钢球LM滚动导轨HSR型为基准。 【低重心、高刚性】 通过对LM轨道横断面尺寸的小型化,使重心变低,同时实现了高刚性。 SHS型中包括有LM轨道底面带螺纹孔类型,其LM轨道底面带有螺纹。 当需要从底座的底面安装LM滚动导轨,以及需要提高防尘效果时,这种类型很有效。 THK直线导轨SHS系列优点:为使LM滑块上的4个作用方向(径向、反径向和侧向)均具有相同的额定 …
产品详细规格 : SHS 20V - THK
SHS 20V | 产品详细规格 | THK
THK滑块 SHS20LV 世界标准型滑块 – THK直线导轨|THK中国总代理|日本THK …
2021年7月15日 · THK滑块 SHS20LV 世界标准型滑块. THK滑块 SHS20LV具有与THK滑块SHS-V型同一横断面形状、延长了THK滑块的全长 (L)、增加了额定负荷的类型。 THK滑块 SHS20LV 产品详细规格.
SHS20 Caged Ball LM Guides | SHS20 LM Guide | Technico
With the low sectional height and the high rigidity design of the LM block, the THK SHS20 achieves highly accurate and stable linear motion.
THK滑块 SHS20C 标准型滑块 – THK直线导轨|THK中国总代理|日本THK …
2019年1月18日 · THK滑块 SHS20C 世界标准型滑块采用球保持器,可消除滑块滚珠的相互摩擦,实现低噪音、好音质、长期免维护和优异的高速性。 THK滑块 SHS20C 标准型滑块各球列按45°接触角配置,因此可在任何姿势下使用。 THK标准型滑块 的法兰部实施了螺纹加工。
THK SHS20-1000L - Motion
Linear Guide Standard Ball Profile Rail - Series: SHS20, 20 mm Rail, 1000 mm Max Length
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