THK America Official Online Store
Purchase THK products ONLINE, Linear Motion Guides, Actuators, Ball Screws, Cross Roller Rings, Linear Bushings, and even Custom Parts. 2D/3D & MSDS are also available.
THK 技术支持网站 | THK
THK 技术支持网站为客户提供有用的信息,例如最佳产品选型工具、LM 滚动导轨、滚珠丝杠和滚珠花键等 CAD 数据、寿命计算和产品信息。 (使用各种工具需要注册,注册免费)
Models SHS-C / SHS-CM|LM Guide|Product Information|THK …
LM rail standard lengths and maximum length, tapped-hole type LM rail, frame for LM rail clamps, steel plate for LM rail clamps, etc. Ball Screw: Axial clearance, maximum manufacturing length of shaft, etc. Actuator: Movable part mass, etc.
THK Official Web Site [Japan/English]
Using its original technology, THK was the first company in the world to commercialize the Linear Motion Guide, a product that uses rolling motion to achieve linear motion in machines. Throughout the years, we have continuously contributed to the …
- [PDF]
gen-eration. In addition, the LM block and LM rail use stainless steel, which is highly resistant to cor-rosion. <Compact > Since SRS has a compact structure where the rail cross section is designed to be low and that con-tains only two rows of balls, it can be installed in space-saving locations. <Lightweight >
THK 技術支持網站 | THK
THK 技術支援網站為客戶提供有用的信息,例如最佳產品選擇工具、LM導軌 (線軌)、滾珠螺桿和滾珠花鍵等 CAD 數據、壽命計算和產品信息。 (使用各種工具需要註冊,註冊免費)
组合件解决方案 | [ THK || 中国 ]
将thk产品和各种零部件组合而成的产品,称为"组合件"。 提供满足贵公司规格要求的各式各样的"组合件"。 组合件解决方案
自1971年成立以来,THK始终致力于线性运动(LM)导轨、滚珠丝杠、滚珠花键等关键机械元件的研发、生产和销售,为全球工业界提供了无数高效、可靠的传动解决方案。 THK的故事始于对精密机械传动技术的无尽探索。 在那个时代,随着工业自动化程度的不断提升,对高精度、高稳定性的传动元件需求日益增长。 THK敏锐地捕捉到了这一市场趋势,凭借对技术的深刻理解和对品质的不懈追求,迅速在机械传动领域崭露头角。 从最初的小型企业发展成为全球知名的机械传动 …
THK产品中心-THK直线导轨_THK滑块_THK丝杠_THK总代理_THK …
Products - thkstore.com
Stainless Steel (400 Series) 64 Carbon Steel 76 Inner Diameter (mm) Clear
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