THQ - Wikipedia
THQ Inc. was an American video game company based in Agoura Hills, California. It was founded in April 1990 by Jack Friedman, originally in Calabasas, and became a public company the …
THQ Is Dead. Here's Where Its Games Are Going - WIRED
2013年1月23日 · After entering Chapter 11 bankruptcy and launching a bid to keep the company together by selling out to a single bidder, THQ saw its game development studios and …
4年时间,这家游戏公司从美国第三走向了破产 _ 游民星空 …
2018年12月24日 · 2013年1月24日,曾经是北美第三大的游戏厂商THQ惨遭“分尸”,其状况之惨烈让人不忍直视,无数大中小的游戏厂商齐聚一堂,将THQ旗下数百个游戏IP被分解蚕食。 这 …
THQ gets approval for its liquidation plan, officially ending ...
2013年7月17日 · That's what finally happened yesterday, after a US court approved THQ's liquidation plan, thus ending the former publishers bankruptcy case. It was back in December …
A History Of THQ, 1989-2013 - Kotaku
2013年1月23日 · Yesterday, we learned that the video game publisher THQ is sitting on 1.4 million unsold copies of… By 2011, in no small part due to the losses suffered from the uDraw, …
THQ is officially dead, its games and talent auctioned off
2013年1月23日 · It's a sad day for video game fans, as THQ, the California-based video game developer and publisher founded in 1989, is officially kaput. It's been more than a month since …
从1990到2019:THQ的崛起、衰亡与新生 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
从1990年到2019年,从美国THQ到奥地利THQ Nordic,在近30年的时光中,它经历了崛起、衰亡与新生,这或许是游戏业里常写常有的剧情,但在经历了意外的版权更迭和接连不断的收购案 …
THQ 破产的原因是什么?怎么看对传统单机游戏产业的未来?
其实 thq 的游戏我玩得不多,但是对 thq 的印象还不错,游戏质量上乘。 但是她就这样破产了,有点桑感。 大神们分析下 THQ 破产的原因以及对传统的…
Gaming’s Unplayed Level: What Happened to THQ?
2023年12月9日 · THQ, a major player in the video game industry, once renowned for its hit franchises like Saints Row and Darksiders, faced a dramatic downfall. The company filed for …
THQ died - what about their games? :: Help and Tips - Steam …
2013年1月24日 · Will THQ games still be sold on steam? If not, then when will they be removed (estimate?). I still need to buy Darksiders II + dlcs, some Space Marine dlcs and Path to War dlc.