THQ | Logopedia | Fandom
THQ unveiled a new logo at E3 2000 in Los Angeles. "THQ’s new logo embodies the momentum we are building behind our expanding...
THQ Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand - Logos-world
2013年1月23日 · THQ Logo PNG. The THQ logo is full of creativity and imagination. The sharp lines of the emblem and smooth contours convey work with high technology, reflecting the precise execution of codes and programs that allow the creation of unforgettable game hits. THQ is an American video game developer that ceased operations in 2013.
THQ - Audiovisual Identity Database
THQ (" T oy H ead- Q uarters") was an American developer and publisher founded in 1989 by LJN co-founder Jack Friedman. In 1990, THQ acquired the video game division of Brøderbund Software and released its first game Peter Pan and the Pirates (based on the Fox Kids TV series of the same name) in 1991.
THQ/Logo Variations - Audiovisual Identity Database
These are the logo variations seen throughout the years by THQ. Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron (2003): The logo is on a space background and Jimmy flies in his rocket. The announcer and SFX for the logo are still heard.
THQ Logo : THQ : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
2024年2月10日 · Uploaded by Not Willy Wonka on February 10, 2024. Logo for THQ. There are 2 versions.
THQ Logo History - YouTube
THQ ("Toy Head-Quarters") was an American developer and publisher founded in 1989 by LJN co-founder Jack Friedman. In 1990, THQ acquired the video game division of Broderbund Software and...
Category:THQ - Audiovisual Identity Database
Companies related to and/or once owned by defunct American video game publisher THQ.
THQ Logo Animation : THQ : Free Download, Borrow, and …
2004年8月3日 · THQ Logo Animation by THQ. Publication date 2004-08-03 Topics Logo, Intro Language English. The animation for THQ ripped from the Spongebob Squarepants Movie Game for PS2 Addeddate 2021-05-02 14:38:11 Identifier LOGOTHQ Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 . plus-circle Add Review.
THQ Logo
THQ Logo › THQ Nordic logo 2016.svg. Download. Download Vector File
THQ Logo (2011) - Panzoid
2018年11月3日 · a logo inspired by a rundown company called THQ.