THQ编年史 两个轮回见证一代游戏巨人的兴衰! - 游戏杂谈区
2013年1月24日 · 随着千禧年的到来,THQ开始更加认真做游戏,THQ扩展了它的业务范围,并且收购了新涌现的游戏工作室像Volition,Relic,Vigil和Kaos。 THQ也和迪士尼,MTV和Nickelodeon达成协议,使用他们的授权来制作游戏,没过多久以上这些变成了THQ最成功的业务。
Category:Games published by THQ - The Cutting Room Floor
2024年3月28日 · They've mainly specialized in remakes and revivals of several original THQ titles since. This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total. The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 362 total. All Grown Up!: Express Yourself. Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?: Make the Grade (Nintendo DS)
Tetris DS (THQ) - The Cutting Room Floor - tcrf.net
2024年7月5日 · THQ's Tetris DS was under development for months and appeared to be nearing completion, but legal issues between THQ and The Tetris Company arose, leading to this version being cancelled. Multiple builds later surfaced on eBay, and TCRF was lucky to get its own copy.
THQ数字游戏展将于8月3日举行 会有惊喜 - 3DM游戏网
2024年5月2日 · THQ Nordic宣布将于北京时间8月3日凌晨3点举行新一期游戏发布会(THQ Nordic Digital Showcase),将以HandyGames主办的预展拉开序幕,感兴趣的玩家可以关注一下。 展会将公布新作信息,已经公布的游戏如《哥特王朝:重制版》和《泰坦之旅2》以及一些惊喜。
THQ Nordic - Gamefound
Founded in 2011, THQ Nordic is a global video game publisher and developer. Based in Vienna (Austria), and with subsidiaries all around the globe, THQ Nordic brands include Darksiders, MX vs. ATV, Destroy All Humans, Wreckfest, Titan Quest, Biomutant, Gothic, ELEX, Kingdoms of Amalur and many more.
THQ - Sonic Wiki Zone
THQ Inc. was an American company that dealt with the development and publication of video games. It was founded in April, 1990, by Jack Friedman, who also founded Jakks Pacific. THQ developed products for video game platforms, PC and mobile devices. On 20 December 2012 though, the company...
THQ - Nickelodeon | Fandom
THQ Inc. (currently known as THQ Nordic) was a North American developer and publisher of video games. Founded in 1989 in the United States, the company developed products for video game consoles, handheld game consoles, as well as …
THQ Bankruptcy: Ubisoft Montreal CEO on THQ Montreal …
2013年1月24日 · Ubisoft Entertainment SA’s Canadian footprint grew a little bit bigger on Wednesday when the French video game giant announced it had acquired the THQ Montreal studio as part of the bankruptcy auction of parent company THQ Inc.
THQ Wiki | Fandom
Welcome to the THQ Infostand. We have coverage on anything related to THQ except for whom they worked with to create their works. We require more Topics right now. What the Infostand is about. This Infostand (wiki) was created to inform you about THQ and it's works. Latest activity
THQ | Blue's Clues Wiki | Fandom
THQ Inc. (also known Toy Head Quarters) was an American video game developer and publisher based in Agoura Hills, California. Founded in April 1989 by Jack Friedman, the company developed products for home video game consoles and …