THQ - Wikipedia
Since then, THQ's internal studio system grew to eleven studios across the globe with distinct capabilities across all viable gaming platforms. Some of these studios, such as Relic …
List of THQ games - Wikipedia
Here are the list of the video games those were published or distributed by THQ.
THQ Nordic - Wikipedia
THQ Nordic GmbH (formerly Nordic Games GmbH) is an Austrian video game publisher based in Vienna. Formed in 2011, it is a publishing subsidiary of Embracer Group. Originally named …
Home | THQ Nordic GmbH
5 天之前 · Wreckfest 2 features even higher crash fidelity, a deeper armor and damage system, more intricate component damage simulation and many more improvements across the board! …
THQ - Audiovisual Identity Database
In 2011, THQ closed four studios (THQ Studio Australia, Blue Tongue Entertainment, Kaos Studios and THQ Digital Warrington); the company also expanded the release of the uDraw to …
本次THQ“Humble Bundle”活动中包含了《暗黑血统》、《地铁2033》、《红色派系:末日审判》,《英雄连》和《英雄连:抵抗前线》,《英雄连:勇气传说》两部 DLC,出价一美元可以 …
【游戏厂商】从THQ到THQ Nordic,一个游戏大厂的前世今生 - 哔 …
当时,所有人都争先恐后的想把自家作品放在新平台上,但THQ却反其道而行之,它专注于为上一世代的SFC、MD玩家提供服务。 很多人说THQ是在开历史的倒车,但其实只有THQ自己知 …
THQ Studio Montréal - MobyGames
THQ Studio Montréal is a game development studio based in Montréal, Canada. Founded by THQ Inc., it was announced on 19th October 2010 and to be headed by Patrice Désilets …
THQ company - ModDB
2025年3月8日 · THQ Studios include Blue Tongue, Vigil Games and Relic Entertainment. Notable titles include Company of Heroes, STALKER, Supreme Commander and Dawn of War. A …
THQ Inc. - MobyGames
2011年1月12日 · THQ Inc. was a large developer and publisher of games. THQ (short for Toy Head-Quarters), was originally founded as Trinity Acquisition Corporation in New York (USA) …