9mm THV - forums.accuratereloading.com
2003年5月16日 · The shape remained the same as the THV (with a sharp point as used in some THVs, rather than the rounded tip). Bullets were made in both brass and copper. As well as …
The .500/.416 Nitro Express... Any Users?
2012年8月11日 · I just recently found out about this interesting little guy. All I know of its history is that it was developed within the past 20 years by necking down readily available .500 NE …
2008年6月7日 · Anyone know where I might find some ammo for the R2 Lovell (.22-3000 Lovell).....I have an original 1885 Winchester, pistol grip stock, single set trigger, #4 Octagon …
M1895 .405 Winchester Load Data
2014年2月6日 · Winchester rifles in .405 Winchester. Looking at the ammo available from Superior in this caliber, I note they offer Woodleigh soft and solid loads. I currently load the …
257 Roberts +P brass? - ACCURATE RELOADING
2005年12月29日 · Thanks for the heads up. I do believe that I've incorrectly associated SAAMI with the ammo manufactures election to cover their A$$ as a joint effort. As Mike Venturino …
What's a donut? - forums.accuratereloading.com
2010年2月17日 · Let's not confuse this with a doughnut that will form on the outside of the case at the junction of the neck and the shoulder when you neck size with a F/L die and do not size all …
30'06 Chamber dimensions? - forums.accuratereloading.com
2013年4月30日 · SAAMI Drawing The base diameter of the cartridge (factory ammo) can not be larger than .4698" But can be smaller by - .008" The chamber is .4708" + .002" 26 April 2013, …
reloading .303 british
2006年5月16日 · surplus .303 ammo that measures .309", but shoots the .310" well. I read the "springy" enfield action in load books and doubted that was the real cause of 303 brass having …
45-70 loads for Pedersoli 1874 Sharps - ACCURATE RELOADING
2004年1月16日 · I just traded a Ruger Blackhawk and a Mosin Nagant for a new Pedersoli deluxe ingraved 1874 Sharps .Do I need to load soft "trapdoor" type reloads or will this gun handle …
Anyone like Remington Bronze points? - ACCURATE RELOADING
2001年11月27日 · The Remington Bronze point is a old design. The bronze tip was intended to act as a wedge to cause rapid expansion.