What does "thy" mean? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Aug 17, 2010 · Thy and thine patterned in the same way as my and mine do. We say mine when there is no noun phrase that the possessive pronoun directly modifies ("it's my car" but "it's …
What is the difference between "thee" and "thou"?
Sep 22, 2010 · Thee, thou, and thine (or thy) are Early Modern English second person singular pronouns. Thou is the subject form (nominative), thee is the object form, and thy/thine is the …
meaning - "Thou" or "You"? This is the problem! - English …
The main remaining use is in religious contexts, because people are often conservative about their scripture and liturgy, and having learnt their Pater Noster using thy they resisted changing …
In what region is "thou", etc. used in dialect?
Jun 29, 2011 · My mother often uses words like "thou", "thy", and "thine" in everyday speech. A typical example is: "Thou art a jammy bugger!" She is from the north of England. I'm …
Where did Shakespeare get 'milk of human kindness' from?
Jul 13, 2019 · Where he sayth, The kings and princes shal giue thée milke, and shall be thy nursses, they shall doo honour and reuerence vnto thée with their faces flat vppon the earth: …
thou thee thy - Can you correct this “old English” quote? - English ...
Jan 11, 2022 · @DawoodibnKareem: both are found. The OED say "(b) beest forms (2nd singular). 1500s–1600s beest, 1600s bee'st. Historically, these continue indicative forms, but …
etymology - "Hold your piece" or "Hold your peace" - English …
Jan 8, 2016 · Etymology - Exodus 14:14 The LORD shall fight for you , and ye shall hold your peace. 14:10-14 There was no way open to Israel but upward, and thence their deliverance …
Why are words like "Thou" / "Thee" / "Ye" no longer used in English?
When going through old English literature, especially stories and poems, we can see they have been full of words like "thou" and "thee" and "ye". Some of …
politeness - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Nov 2, 2015 · Thank thou thy parents for giving thee life! (from a comment by Level River St.) the word "thou" is used for emphasis and is optional as we know that sentences in imperative …
Did English ever have a formal version of "you"?
As far as I know, you actually is the formal, originally plural version (ye/you/your) and thou was the informal version (thou/thee/thy/thine). Over time, thou became impolitely informal and is now …