THz Electronics - darpa.mil
The objective of the Terahertz (THz) Electronics program is to develop the critical device and integration technologies necessary to realize compact, high-performance electronic circuits that operate at center frequencies exceeding 1.0 THz. The program is focused on two critical THz technical areas, one of them well underway:
A new generation of electron devices makes waves, trillions of ... - DARPA
2016年7月12日 · With the Terahertz (THz) Electronics Program, however, DARPA has begun to make it possible. And as graphically depicted in the attached DARPA “fight” poster—fashioned after a promotion for the legendary bout in 1975 between Muhammed Ali and Joe Frazier in Manila, the Philippines—two promising and powerful approaches are dueling it out ...
DARPA开发全世界首个太赫兹放大器 - 电子工程专辑 EE ...
2014年11月7日 · 美国国防部先进研究计划署(DARPA)的“太赫兹电子技术”(Terahertz Electronics)计划及其承商Northrop Grumman公司最近获得“金氏世界纪录”(Guinness World Records)认证:突破以往的速度限制,开发出全世界第一个太赫兹(THz)放大器。
DARPA's THz Electronics Program - Defense Industry Daily
Now, their Terahertz (THz) Electronics program is looking for technologies to enable revolutionary advances in electronic devices and integrated circuits, allowing them to reach THz frequencies of at least a trillion cycles per second…
THz Electronics projects at DARPA: Transistors, TMICs, and …
2010年5月28日 · THz InP transistors have been achieved that have enabled the world's fastest 0.48 THz monolithic integrated circuits. Compact THz high power amplifiers using micro-machined vacuum electronic devices will enable radiation sources at 1.03 THz with 15 GHz of …
DARPA ELGAR developing sub terahertz G-Band Electronics …
2023年3月10日 · Through significant investment in programs such as Sub-millimeter Wave Imaging Focal-plane Technology (SWIFT), Terahertz (THz) Electronics, and Nitride Electronic NeXt-Generation Technology (NEXT), DARPA has successfully developed III-V transistor technologies (e.g., InP, GaN) capable of overcoming the gain and breakdown voltage limitations of ...
DARPA thrust in Terahertz electronics for future military wireless …
2021年1月22日 · The school now supports the DARPA-sponsored Joint University Microelectronics Program (JUMP), which is researching high-gigahertz and terahertz spectrum up to 500 GHz for automotive self-driving car infrastructure and intelligent highways.
美国国防高级研究计划局( DARPA)太赫兹电子计划
美国国防高级研究计划局( DARPA )近日公布了一项太赫兹研究创新计划合同。 该计划意在征求能够使电子设备和集成电路实现太赫兹频率工作的创新型方法。 这将推动太赫兹技术的发展,如太赫兹晶体管器件、集成电路、太赫兹高功率放大器模块的军事应用。 DARPA微波系统技术办公室项目经理,Mark Rosker博士对该计划评价道:“太赫兹电子计划,将会使集成电路工作在更高的频率上。 这将是极为重要的新兴应用,如太赫兹通讯和雷达。 但更可能的结果是,这一计划将 …
THz electronics projects at DARPA: Transistors, TMICs
2010年6月28日 · High-power THz TWTAs and transistor-based exciters have been developed under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) THz Electronics (THzE) and High Frequency Integrated Vacuum...
DARPA太赫兹放大器列入吉尼斯世界纪录 - 电子工程世界
2014年11月6日 · 吉尼斯世界纪录已经正式将Northrop Grumman为DARPA太赫兹电子技术计划开发的太赫兹单晶片积体电路 (TMIC)列入最快速的固态放大器世界纪录了。 这款10级的共源类比放大器能以1 012 GHz (即1.012 THz)的速度作业,比2012年时开发的现有世界纪录——850 GHz的放大器更快1 500次工作周期。 DARPA总监Arati Prabhakar表示,“我们对于Northrop Grumman这项突破所开启的新机会及其所能实现的所有技术感到振奋。 DARPA持续在许多领域为通讯技 …