中国工程物理研究院太赫兹自由电子激光装置(caep thz fel, ctfel)是国内唯一运行的基于超导加速器的高平均功率自由电子激光太赫兹源,具有频率连续在线可调(0.1~4.2 thz)、高峰值功率(>0.5 mw)、高平均功率(>10 w)、高重频(54.17 mhz)、短脉冲(~ps)、窄线宽(~2% ...
Single-pass high-efficiency terahertz free-electron laser
2022年5月12日 · Free-electron laser (FEL) coupling in a magnetic undulator is one of the best options for radiation generation in this frequency range, but slippage effects require...
Efficient free electron laser | Nature Photonics
2022年5月12日 · A single-pass free electron laser operating at 0.16 THz with an energy efficiency of ~10% promises compact and high-power sources in the terahertz spectral region.
Prospects of a terahertz free-electron laser for field application
2021年4月23日 · The FEL is the most powerful light source in the THz range, and although the size of these FELs is still large, they have the spectral range with the greatest potential for industrial or field applications. This study examines the potential of compact THz FEL technology to meet market needs.
Terahertz radiation sources based on free electron lasers and …
2011年12月30日 · The tunability, high power and flexible picoseconds-pulse time structure of terahertz (THz) radiation make the THz free-electron laser (FEL) a very attractive THz source of coherent radiation. This paper focuses on the development and perspectives of THz radiation sources based on the FEL.
China's First Tera-Hertz Free Electron Laser Oscillator
China Academy of Engineering Physics tera-hertz free electron laser (CAEP THz FEL, CTFEL) is the first THz FEL oscillator in China, which was jointly built by CAEP, Peking university and Tsinghua university. The stimulated saturation of the CTFEL was reached in August, 2017.
Tapering-enhanced high-efficiency THz waveguide oscillator
2024年10月8日 · Using a waveguide in a THz FEL has been shown to maximize the coupling and enable efficient extraction of relativistic electron beam energy from a single passage through a tapered helical undulator. An oscillator configuration can further boost energy extraction above the single-pass limits and open the door toward very high average power THz ...
Towards higher frequencies in a compact prebunched waveguide THz-FEL
2024年8月31日 · In this paper, we characterize the spectral properties of a compact waveguide THz FEL including simultaneous lasing at two different frequencies and demonstrating tuning of the radiation...
我国太赫兹源进入自由电子激光时代 - 中国科学院
2017年9月27日 · 自由电子激光(fel)由于具有频率连续可调、功率大、线宽窄、方向性好、偏振强和皮秒时间结构等优点,使得在同一台装置上实现太赫兹波段全覆盖的大功率理想太赫兹源成为可能。
Ultrafast High-Field THz beamline at X-ray FEL - IEEE Xplore
THz sources at FLASH utilize spent electron beam from an soft X-ray FEL to generate very intense (up to 150 μ J), tunable frequency (1–300THz) and ultrafast narrowband (∼ 10 %) THz pulses, which are naturally synchronized to soft X-ray pulses. This unique combination allows for wide range of element specific pump-probe experiments in ...