Visible-to-THz near-field nanoscopy | Nature Reviews Materials
2025年2月10日 · Here, we review a versatile technique known as scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM), also referred to as s-NSOM or apertureless SNOM, which...
Nanoscale terahertz scanning probe microscopy - Nature
2021年7月30日 · In this Review, we survey terahertz scanning probe microscopy techniques that achieve spatial resolution on the scale of micrometres to ångströms, with particular emphasis on their overarching...
太赫兹散射式扫描近场光学显微镜 (scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy, s-SNOM)在生物纳米成像、太赫兹纳米光谱学、纳米材料成像以及极化激元的研究中有着广泛的应用前景. 原子力显微镜探针作为太赫兹s-SNOM的重要组成部分, 起着近场激发、探测、增强等关键作用. 但是在测量过程中, 探针与样品的相互作用会影响测量结果. 本文通过仿真和实验, 分别揭示了太赫兹s-SNOM中探针与样品相互作用对近场激发、近场探测以及太赫兹近场频谱的影响. 首先, …
Terahertz s-SNOM Imaging of a Single Cell with Nanoscale …
2024年6月14日 · Here, we present a novel and comprehensive analytical approach for detecting and investigating heterogeneity in cell membrane components at the single-cell level. In comparison to the resolution of the topographical atomic force microscopy image, the spatial resolution of the terahertz near-field amplitude image is 3 times that of the former.
干货分享 | 超高分辨近场光学显微镜neaSNOM近期重点科研成果速 …
Terahertz near-field spectroscopy for various applications
2022年1月28日 · In this review, we introduce recent advances in THz near-field techniques as contact-free and non-invasive methods, particularly scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) with atomic force microscope (AFM) tip and transmission-type of photoconductive antenna microprobe (PCAM)-based THz near-field microscopy.
Terahertz scanning near-field optical microscopy for biomedical ...
2025年3月1日 · THz scanning near-field optical microscopy (THz-SNOM), which surpasses the Rayleigh criterion, offers micrometer and nanometer-scale spatial resolution, making it possible to perform precise bioinspection with THz imaging. THz-SNOM is attracting considerable attention for its potential in advanced biomedical research and diagnosis.
Real-space nanoimaging of THz polaritons in the topological
2022年3月16日 · Here, we demonstrate that THz polaritons in TIs can be imaged spectroscopically by s-SNOM employing the tunable monochromatic radiation from a powerful THz gas laser and interferometric...
散射式太赫兹扫描近场光学显微技术研究 - usst.edu.cn
2020年2月11日 · 摘要: 基于散射式近场探测原理,设计并搭建了散射式太赫兹扫描近场光学显微系统(THz s-SNOM),实现了纳米量级空间分辨率的太赫兹近场显微成像测量。 该系统以输出频率范围为0.1~0.3 THz的太赫兹倍频模块为发射源,通过纳米探针的针尖产生纳米光源与样品相互作用,并将样品表面的倏逝波转化为可在远场测量的辐射波。...
Terahertz Nano-Imaging with s-SNOM - IntechOpen
2021年10月30日 · In this chapter, we have reviewed the state of the art of near-field imaging with the s-SNOM technique at THz frequencies. s-SNOM is an established technique of nano-scale spectroscopy at visible and IR radiation frequencies, and only recently has been extended to longer wavelengths into the THz regime.