Telomere Dysfunction Induced Foci (TIF) Analysis - PubMed
2015年11月20日 · The TIF assay is based on the co-localization detection of DNA damage by an antibody against DNA damage markers, such as gamma-H2AX, and telomeres using an antibody against one of the shelterin proteins such as TRF2 (Takai et …
Identification of peptidomimetic telomere dysfunction inhibitor ...
2021年9月17日 · Telomere dysfunction-induced focus (TIF) assay allows efficient profiling of telomere dysfunctions in cells and tissues. Here, we describe the use of the TIF assay to screen synthetic peptides from E3 ubiquitin ligase FBW7, a tumor suppressor gene product, to prevent TIFs caused by environmental radiation stress.
Telomere Stress Potentiates STING-Dependent Anti-tumor …
2020年9月14日 · We show that 6-thio-dG-induced DNA damage is significantly co-localized with telomeres, indicating the formation of TIF. Telomeres are only ∼1/6,000th of genomic DNA so any TIF is highly significant. Moreover, some TIFs are taken up by DCs and further trigger STING-dependent IFN-I signaling.
Telomere Dysfunction Induced Foci (TIF) Analysis - PMC
The TIF assay is based on the co-localization detection of DNA damage by an antibody against DNA damage markers, such as gamma-H2AX, and telomeres using an antibody against one of the shelterin proteins such as TRF2 (Takai et al., 2003; de Lange, 2002; Karlseder et al., 1999).
Spontaneous occurrence of telomeric DNA damage response in …
2009年11月22日 · To identify leading or lagging telomere–derived chromatid-type meta-TIFs, we developed a chromosome-orientation meta-TIF assay by combining immunofluorescence staining for γ-H2AX with telomere ...
Telomere Dysfunction Induced Foci (TIF) Analysis - Bio-protocol
DNA damage foci at uncapped telomeres are referred to as Telomere dysfunction-Induced Foci (TIFs) (de Lange, 2005; Takai et al., 2003).The TIF assay is based on the co-localization detection of DNA damage by an antibody against DNA damage markers, such as gamma-H2AX, and telomeres using an antibody against one of the shelterin proteins such as ...
53BP1 and the LINC Complex Promote Microtubule-Dependent …
2015年11月5日 · (B) Telomere dysfunction-induced foci (TIF) assay on the MEFs described in (A). Telomeres were detected by FISH with FITC-(CCCTAA) 3 probe (green). Phosphorylated H2AX (top panel), 53BP1 (middle panel), and Rif1 (bottom panel) were detected by IF (red).
Identification of peptidomimetic telomere dysfunction inhibitor ...
2021年6月19日 · Telomere dysfunction-induced focus (TIF) assay allows efficient profiling of telomere dysfunctions in cells and tissues. Here, we describe the use of the TIF assay to screen synthetic peptides from E3 ubiquitin ligase FBW7, a tumor suppressor gene product, to prevent TIFs caused by environmental rad …
Telomere Dysfunction Induced Foci (TIF) Analysis - 百度学术
The TIF assay is based on the co-localization detection of DNA damage by an antibody against DNA damage markers, such as gamma-H2AX, and telomeres using an antibody against one of the shelterin proteins such as TRF2 (Takai et al., 2003; de Lange, 2002; Karlseder et al., 1999).
Telomere Dysfunction Induced Foci (TIF) Analysis
2015年11月20日 · Here, we describe the use of the TIF assay to screen synthetic peptides from E3 ubiquitin ligase FBW7, a tumor suppressor gene product, to prevent TIFs caused by environmental radiation stress.