TIP147 是采用 单片达林顿配置的硅外延基 PNP 功率晶体管,专为通用放大器和低频开关应用而设计,适用于电源线性和开关应用。 打开万用表并将测量刻度设置为“二极管测试”。 将黑色万用表探头放在晶体管的基极引线上。 如果将晶体管正面朝上且平坦的一面朝后,晶体管左侧是基极引脚。 将红色万用表探头放在晶体管的集电极(中心)引线上。 检查万用表显示。 如果万用表指示晶体管通过了此项测试,则从晶体管上取下红色万用表探头并继续下一步;否则,晶体管已经坏了 …
The devices are manufactured in planar technology with “base island” layout and monolithic Darlington configuration. The resulting transistors show exceptional high gain performance coupled with very low saturation voltage. Figure 1. Table 1. Device summary. This is information on a product in full production. Table 2.
TIP147由ST(意法半导体)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。TIP147价格参考¥5.91。ST(意法半导体) TIP147参数名称:类型:PNP;集射极击穿电压(Vceo):100V;直流电流增益(hFE):1000;耗散功率(Pd):125W;集电极电流(Ic):10A;集射极饱和电压(VCE(sat)):3V。
TIP147 - Low voltage PNP power Darlington transistor - STMicroelectronics
Discover our Darlington transistor portfolio available with a voltage range up to 400 V, with both NPN and PNP polarity. Speed up your design by downloading all the EDA symbols, footprints and 3D models for your application. You have access to a large number of CAD formats to fit with your design toolchain. Please select one model supplier :
Darlington Transistors | TIP147 - onsemi
The Darlington Bipolar Power Transistor is designed for general purpose amplifier and low frequency switching applications. The TIP140, TIP141, TIP142, (NPN); TIP145, TIP146, TIP147, (PNP) are complementary devices.
TIP147是具有低集电极-发射极饱和电压的互补PNP功率晶体管。 它是采用平面技术制造的,具有基本的岛状布局。 最终的晶体管显示出出色的高增益性能以及极低的饱和电压。 设计用于线性和开关工业应用。 立创商城TIP147型号页面提供型号详细中文资料,PDF数据手册在线查看和下载,中文参数,引脚图,代替型号和在线购买等信息。 买TIP147型号,上立创商城.
TIP147, (PNP) Designed for general−purpose amplifier and low frequency switching applications. Features • High DC Current Gain − Min hFE = 1000 @ IC = 5.0 A, VCE = 4 V • Collector−Emitter Sustaining Voltage − @ 30 mA VCEO(sus) = 60 Vdc (Min) − TIP140, TIP145 = 80 Vdc (Min) − TIP141, TIP146 = 100 Vdc (Min) − TIP142, TIP147
TIP147 STMicroelectronics | Mouser
6 天之前 · TIP147 STMicroelectronics Darlington Transistors PNP Power Darlington datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
TIP145 / TIP146 / TIP147 — PNP Ep itaxial Silicon Darlington Transistor © 2009 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com TIP145 / TIP146 / TIP147 Rev. B1 3 Typical Performance Characteristics Figure 1. Static Characteristic Figure 2. DC current Gain Figure 3. Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Base-Emitter Saturation ...
TIP147, (PNP) TIP141, TIP142, TIP146, and TIP147 are Preferred Devices Darlington Complementary Silicon Power Transistors Designed for general−purpose amplifier and low frequency switching applications. Features • High DC Current Gain − Min hFE = 1000 @ IC = 5.0 A, VCE = 4 V • Collector−Emitter Sustaining Voltage − @ 30 mA
TIP147T — PNP Epitaxial Sili con Darlington Transistor © 2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com TIP147T Rev. 1.1.0 2
TIP147 STMicroelectronics | Discrete Semiconductor Products
TIP147 – Bipolar (BJT) Transistor PNP - Darlington 100 V 10 A 125 W Through Hole TO-247 from STMicroelectronics. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
TIP147 Transistor Pinout, Equivalent, Uses, Features, Applications ...
2022年1月22日 · The TIP147 transistor can be used for any general purpose amplification and switching application that falls under its ratings. It can be used in variety of high power audio amplifier applications and also in output driving stages of audio amplifiers.
2024年3月8日 · tip147是一种npn型功率晶体管,具有成本低、低能耗和高稳定性等优点。它经常被广泛应用于音频功率放大器、开关电路等领域。本文将深入探讨tip147的参数、管脚图以及如何进行代换,帮助读者更好地了解和应用这款强大的晶体管。 一、tip147的参数
TIP147T_ST (意法半导体)_TIP147T中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城
TIP147T由ST (意法半导体)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 TIP147T价格参考¥4.794361。 ST (意法半导体) TIP147T参数名称:类型:PNP;集射极击穿电压 (Vceo):100V;直流电流增益 (hFE):1000;耗散功率 (Pd):90W;集电极电流 (Ic):10A;集射极饱和电压 (VCE (sat)):2V;工作温度:-65℃~+150℃。 下载TIP147T中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有达林顿管详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
TIP147, (PNP) Darlington Complementary Silicon Power Transistors Designed for general−purpose amplifier and low frequency switching applications. Features • High DC Current Gain − Min hFE = 1000 @ IC = 5.0 A, VCE = 4 V • Collector−Emitter Sustaining Voltage − @ 30 mA VCEO(sus) = 60 Vdc (Min) − TIP140, TIP145 = 80 Vdc (Min) − ...
达林顿管 TIP147 TO-247中文介绍,意法半导体 (ST)
达林顿管 TIP147 是一款由意法半导体 (ST) 生产的 NPN 型硅双极结型晶体管 (BJT),采用 TO-247 封装。 其最大集电极电流高达 10 安培,最大集电极-发射极电压高达 100 伏特,是高电流、高电压应用的理想选择。 # 1. 产品概述. TIP147 达林顿管拥有以下突出特性: * 高电流容量: 最大集电极电流为 10 安培,使其适用于需要大电流驱动的大型负载,如电机、继电器和加热器。 * 高电压耐受性: 最大集电极-发射极电压为 100 伏特,能够承受较高的电压,适用于高压应用场景。 * …
TIP147 STMicroelectronics | Mouser 臺灣
TIP147 STMicroelectronics Darlington 電晶體 PNP Power Darlington 資料表、庫存和定價。
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TIP147,TIP147 pdf中文资料,TIP147引脚图,TIP147电路-Datasheet …
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