QuantumTale | Undertale AU Wiki - Fandom
2016年5月10日 · QuantumTale is an AU based around the idea of a glitched reset, sending Frisk back to an earlier timeline but with a glitch, making Sans able to control time and time travel. …
Sans/Quantumtale | New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki | Fandom
Quantumtale Sans, (otherwise known as TimeKid!Sans) is an OC created by perfectshadow06. TimeKid!Sans is a Sans from a glitched timeline, where that AU's Frisk reset back to an earlier …
Quantumtale - Undertale社区维基 - UTCWIKI
Quantumtale是一个假定在后中立线结局(不杀死任何一个怪物的中立线结局)后,Frisk和Flowey因重置按钮出现故障被传送回了人怪大战之前的时期的AU。 在QuantumTale中,Frisk …
【Undertale au】TK Sans捡到了小狗狗!(Quantumtale)(英配中字)
TK Sans Font › Fontesk
2024年11月20日 · TK Sans is a bold, strong, and blocky display font designed to channel the energy and determination of the sports world. Its sharp edges, solid structure, and confident …
Cursed!TK Sans | Wiki | Undertale Amino - Amino Apps
Name: Sans. Nicknames: TK, Timekid. Age: 14. Gender: Male [Personality] He acts different from the original Time kid Sans. He acts more mature. And still care's for his family and friends. …
Time Kid Sans - Vetaverse Wiki
Quantumtale!Sans, or more commonly known as Time Kid, is a variation of Sans from the unique AU Quantumtale where time is a bit broken. Time in Quantumtale passes by slower compared …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdQfA0Hp7t4原作者名 : Tio sin xD el esqueleto原视频标题: Quantumtale él solo quería jugar + Extra Comic en español简介: Bad boy TK片尾的幽灵组我 …
TK Sans字体免费下载 - TKSans在线预览 - TKSans Version 001.00 …
下载 TK Sans 字体文件到电脑桌面,下载成功您可获得对应字体的ttf文件或otf文件,使用电脑在字体图标上点击鼠标右键或者双击字体文件,选择点击【安装】即可安装;或者将下载的字体文 …
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