What is TK-3 Calibrator - Inst Tools
TK-3 Calibrator instrument provides a reference mechanical motion for calibrating and performance testing of machinery protection systems. The two models of the instrument have identical functions but different power sources. TK3-2g is powered by pressurized air.
The TK-3 Proximity System Test Kit simulates shaft vibration and position for calibrating Bently Nevada monitors. It verifies the operating condition of the monitor readouts as well as the condition of the proximity transducer system. A properly calibrated system ensures that the transducer inputs and the resulting monitor readings are accurate.
TK3-2E Bently Nevada (Calibration Instrument) | ArtisanTG™
The Baker Hughes / Bently Nevada TK3-2E / TK3-2G Calibration Instruments provides a reference mechanical motion for performing field functional tests of machinery protection systems. The two models of the instrument have identical functions, but different power sources. The TK3-2E is electrically powered: the TK3-2G is powered by pressurized air.
Bently Nevada TK3-2E / TK3-2G Calibration Instruments
The Bently Nevada TK3-2E / TK3-2G Calibration Instruments are designed to provide a reference mechanical motion, facilitating functional field tests of machinery protection systems. The primary difference between the two models lies in their power sources:
The TK-3 Proximity System Test Kit simulates shaft vibration and position for calibrating Bently Nevada monitors. It verifies the operating condition of the monitor readouts as well as the condition of the proximity transducer system. A properly calibrated system ensures that the transducer inputs and the resulting monitor readings are accurate.
TK3校验仪的使用 - 百度文库
• 本特利内华达TK3(TK3-2E、TK3-2G)状态监测校准 仪器可以模拟机械运动,对设备保护系统进行功能 测试。 • TK3具有斜盘和千分尺两大装置。 两套装置都备有 4140钢作为观测表面,用户可以根据需要替换成与 实际转子相同材质作为观测表面。 • 注意:本特利内华达的传感器应用的是电涡流原理, 要求TK3的观测表面材质要与探头实际工作中转轴 材质一致。 只有这样才能保证校验的准确度。 • 与4140钢具有相同响应曲线的钢材可以不进行替换, 但是有些材质例如铜、铝 …
Bently Nevada Wobulator TK3-2G Calibration Instrument - eBay
Bently Nevada Wobulator TK3-2G Calibration Instrument. Industrial Surplus Liquidators (548) 98.4% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $2,388.99. or Best Offer. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $149+ with PayPal Credit * Condition: Used Used
TK3校验仪的使用 - renrendoc.com
2020年6月21日 · TK3校验仪操作使用 型号:TK3-2E 综述 本特利内华达TK3(TK3-2E、TK3-2G)状态监测校准 仪器可以模拟机械运动,对设备保护系统进行功能 测试. 3、。 TK3具有斜盘和千分尺两大装置。 两套装置都备有 4140钢作为观测表面,用户可以根据需要替换成与 实际转子相同材质作为观测表面。 注意:本特利内华达的传感器应用的是电涡流原理, 要求TK3的观测表面材质要与探头实际工作中转轴 材质一致。 只有这样才能保证校验的准确度。 与4140钢具有相同响 …
本特利校验仪TK-3E/TK3-2E - 本特利监测器 - 兴邦基业(北京)科 …
2021年3月11日 · 主轴千分尺范围 0 - 25.4毫米(0 - 1000密耳)。 目标靶盘和摆盘 AISI 4140合金钢。 本特利校验仪TK-3E/TK3-2E 电气要求 交流95-125伏,50/60赫兹,电流最小1A,交流190-250伏,50/60赫兹,电流最小1A 空气要求 更大压力90 psi (6.2 bar) 振幅范围 50微米到254微米(0 - 1000mils),峰-峰值 更大速度 0 到 5000 cpm ± 1000 cpm 主轴千分尺范围 0 - 25.4毫米(0 - 1000密耳)。
TK的使用专题知识讲座课件.ppt 全文免费 - 原创力文档
2019年10月13日 · 综述 本特利内华达 TK-3状态监测校准仪器可以模拟机械运动,对设备保护系统进行功能测试。 TK-3 的两款仪器具备相同的功能,唯独电源供电方式不同。 每款机器都可以进行英制和公制测量。 TK-3 具有斜盘和千分轴两大装置。 两套装置都备有 4140钢作为观测表面,用户可以根据需要替换成与实际转子相同材质作为观测表面。 ;注意:本特利内华达的传感器应用的是电涡流原理,我们要求 TK-3的观测表面材质要与探头实际工作中转轴材质一致。 只有这样 …
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