CORI Surgical System | Smith+Nephew USA
The CORI System continues to evolve and expand compatibility with our total, partial and revision knee systems, including cemented and cementless primary knee implant technology. Furthermore, the CORI System is compatible with implants and approaches for …
CORI Surgical System: Robotic Assisted Knee Replacement
With robotics-assisted surgery, your surgeon uses the CORI Surgical System to create a customized 3D digital model of your knee. This three-dimensional view helps your surgeon finalize and verify the right size implant for you and create a detailed surgical plan for how your replacement will be placed in order to optimize movement and function.
Robotic-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty Utilizing NAVIO, CORI ...
The significant improvement in functional outcomes and pain is visible. Ra-TKA with NAVIO/CORI systems stand for an effective technique that requires non prolonged hospital stay, relatively short length of surgery and quick patients’ recovery with excellent clinical results and …
CORI revision knee - Smith+Nephew
The CORI System is the first robotic-assisted platform indicated for use in revision knee arthroplasty. Visualize and restore the previous joint line 6 (with the ability to refer to old and new joint line parameters), measure defects for augment sizing and optimize gap balance planning. Supports augment planning and joint line preservation.
CORI Digital Tensioner for robotic-assisted knee surgery
Surgeon-controlled ligament tensioning with CORI Digital Tensioner; the first and only pre-bone resection digital tensioning device for robotic-assisted TKA.
Robotic-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty Utilizing NAVIO, CORI
2023年1月27日 · In order to evidence a priority of one, we have conducted a randomized controlled trial with the aim of comparing patient-reported functional outcomes, radiographic outcomes and intraoperative measures between imageless (NAVIO and CORI), robotic-assisted (ra)- TKA (ra-TKA) and manual TKA (mTKA) for primary knee osteoarthritis (KOA).
Robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty in clinical practice: …
Robotic TKA using CORI is believed to reduce surgical time. The CORI software offers a surgical workflow which improves efficiency and ease of use, further shortening the learning curve, with a 72% reduction in required data point collection with automatic landmark capture, 40% fewer work steps, faster surface model generation, and a 29% faster ...
REAL INTELLIGENCE™ CORI™ (CORI) is intended to assist the surgeon in providing software-defined spatial boundaries for orientation and reference information to anatomical structures
CORIサージカルシステム - スミス・アンド・ネフュー株式会社
coriサージカルシステムは,人工膝関節置換術(全置換,単顆置換)を支援するロボット手術ユニットです。 手術中に患者様の膝の形状および動きを読み取り,コンピュータにより制御されたロボティックドリルを用いて,正確な骨切りを支援。
人工関節手術支援ロボット『CORI』 - 日本赤十字社 ...
当院整形外科ではこの度2022年2月から、変形性膝関節症に対する人工膝関節置換の手術において、次世代型ロボット支援手術システム「CORI(Core of Real Intelligence)サージカルシステム」(Smith & Nephew社製)を導入しました。