TKB-415 - Wikipedia
The TKB-415 (Russian: ТКБ-415), also known as the AB-46 (Russian: АБ-46) is a prototype assault rifle developed by Tula TsKB-14 designer, Aleksei Alekseevich Bulkin. It competed in Soviet rifle trials to replace the SKS until the AK-47 became the winner.
布尔金TKB-415步枪 AK-47竞争对手 成为卡拉什尼科夫灵感源泉
2022年7月19日 · TKB-415突击步枪发射当时苏联最新的M1943型7.62×41mm中间威力弹药,这就是1949年成为苏军制式装备的7.62×39mm弹药的前身。 半分解状态的TKB-415步枪。
TKB-415 Bulkin Rifle - main competitor to AK-47 || Kalashnikov …
2019年9月23日 · We present to you the 7.62 mm TKB-415 assault rifle, designed by the weaponsmith Alexey Alexeyevich Bulkin. It was the second participant of the late 1947— early 1948 competition where the Soviet Army was making its final decision on which new rifle to adopt.
步枪科普:TKB-415 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年9月21日 · TKB-415 (俄语:ТКБ-415),也被称为 AB-46 (俄语:АБ-46),是一款由图拉TsKB-14设计师阿列克谢·阿列克谢耶维奇·布尔金(Aleksei Alekseevich Bulkin)开发的原型突击步枪。它曾参与苏联步枪试验,旨在取代SKS,直到AK-47成为最终的赢家。
Bulkin's TKB-415 assault rifle - the main competitor for the ...
2020年7月23日 · The original competitor for the rifle weapons Mikhail Kalashnikov in the 40s became TKB-415 (aka AB-46), the aforementioned machine gun of Alexei Bulkin, a Tula gunsmith designer. Alexey Alekseevich took part in the competition for the creation of small arms for an intermediate cartridge.
布尔金的TKB-415突击步枪-1940年代卡拉什尼科夫突击步枪的主 …
2020年7月23日 · 步枪的原始竞争对手 武器 40年代的米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫(Mikhail Kalashnikov)成为TKB-415(aka AB-46),这是图拉枪匠设计师阿列克谢·布尔金(Alexei Bulkin)所说的机枪。 阿列克谢·阿列克谢维奇(Alexey Alekseevich)参加了为中间弹药筒制造小 …
【转载/英文熟肉】AK-47的主要竞争者——TKB-415 布尔金的步 …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrkrqgKG7kc 7.62 mm TKB-415 assault rifle,was designed by the weaponsmith Alexey Alexeyevich Bulkin. It was the second participant of the late 1947— …
Bulkin AB-46 - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki
The AB-46, also known as the TKB-415 was a prototype 7.62x39mm gas-operated assault rifle designed in the Soviet Union by Tula Arms designer Alexey Bulkin in 1945...
TKB - Thinline Weapons Wiki
2024年8月31日 · TKB-0125 - 72.5mm - The TKB-0125, better known as the RPG-22 Netto, is a single shot disposable rocket launcher designed in the early 1980s and went into production in 1985 by Bazalt. It was designed to replace the RPG-18, which it did completely by 1990.
TKB-415 — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
The TKB-415 (Russian: ТКБ-415), also known as the AB-46 (Russian: АБ-46) is a prototype assault rifle developed by Tula TsKB-14 designer, Aleksei Alekseevich Bulkin. It competed in Soviet rifle trials to replace the SKS until the AK-47 became the winner.
AB-46 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The Avtomat Bulkina obr. 1946g. (abbreviated as AB-46), also known as TKB-415, is a Soviet prototype assault rifle developed in the mid 1940s. It participated in trials but it lost to the AK-46.
布尔金TKB-415步枪 AK-47的竞争对手 成为卡拉什尼科夫灵感源泉
2022年7月19日 · 布尔金ab-46/tkb-415突击步枪是一种导气式、可选择单发/连发射击模式的武器。 采用活塞长行程自动方式,活塞位于枪管上方,枪机有两个闭锁突榫,在冲压钢板制造的机匣内的前节套闭锁。
7,62 опытный автомат Булкина АБ-46 (ТКБ-415) (1946-48гг.)
Автомат АБ-46/ТКБ-415 прошел все этапы конкурса и после доработок вышел на конечный этап полигонных испытаний вместе с автоматом КБ-П-410 (доработанный АД-46) Дементьева и АК-1/АК-46 Калашникова. В ...
Burkin TKB-415 Rifle AK-47 Rival became Kalashnikov inspiration
The TKB-415 assault rifle fired the latest Soviet M1943 7.62×41mm intermediate-power ammunition at that time, which was the predecessor of the 7.62×39mm ammunition that became the Soviet standard equipment in 1949.
The main competitor of AK-47 on competitive tests is the …
2012年4月11日 · Prototype auto weapons The AB-46 with the production index TKB-415, developed by the Tula designer A. Bulkin, appeared in 1945. In the same year, it took part in the competition of the Main Artillery Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union together with other examples of the new machine gun from various design bureaus.
TKB-415 assault rifle, which did not pass the competition
TKB-415 assault rifle by Tula gunsmith A.A. Bulkin was the main competitor of M.T. weapons. Kalashnikov during competitive testing of automatic samples chambered for the “intermediate” cartridge 7.62x39. Unfortunately, the designer was unable to …
Bulkin Assault Rifle TKB-415 : Russia / Soviet Union (RUS / SOV)
2020年10月20日 · One of a trio of designs for a new assault rifle in 1947 was the TKB-415 (ТКБ-415) by Tula designer A. A. Bulkin (A. A. Булкин).
A Machine Without Error—The Evolution of the AK
2023年3月10日 · Bulkin TKB-415 prototype next to TKB-408. “In the hospital, I seemed to re-live everything that happened during the months of my participation in the fighting. Again and again, I returned to the tragic days of getting out of that environment.
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