TKB - Thinline Weapons Wiki
Aug 31, 2024 · TKB-0125 - 72.5mm - The TKB-0125, better known as the RPG-22 Netto, is a single shot disposable rocket launcher designed in the early 1980s and went into production in 1985 by Bazalt. It was designed to replace the RPG-18, which it did completely by 1990.
TKB-517 - Wikipedia
The TKB-517 (Russian: ТКБ-517) is an assault rifle designed by German Aleksandrovich Korobov. This rifle was externally similar to the AK-47, but based on the lever-delayed blowback mechanism invented by John Pedersen and refined by Pál Király.
步枪科普:TKB-517 - 哔哩哔哩
Jul 1, 2023 · tkb-517(俄语:ТКБ-517;ТКБ,全寫:Тульское Конструкторское Бюро,意为:图拉设计局)是一枝由苏联轻兵器设计师日耳曼·a·科洛波夫为苏联军队而设计的原型突击步枪,可以全自动射击,发射7.62×39毫米苏联口径步枪子弹。
俄羅斯槍械列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
TKB-415(突擊步槍—7.62×39毫米) TKB-454(突擊步槍—7.62×39毫米) TKB-486(突擊步槍—5.45×39毫米:E×perimental) TKB-494; TKB-500; TKB-504; TKB-506(Assasination Device—7.62×25 毫米 TT) TKB-506A(Assasination Device—5.45×39毫米) TKB-517(突擊步槍—7.62×39毫米) TKB-523(輕機槍—7.62 ...
TKB-517突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
tkb-517(俄语: ТКБ-517 ; ТКБ,全寫:Тульское Конструкторское Бюро ,意為:圖拉設計局)是一枝由苏联 輕兵器設計師 日耳曼·a·科洛波夫 ( 俄语 : Коробов, Герман Александрович ) 為苏联军隊而設計的原型突击步枪 [1] ,可以全自 ...
TKB-517 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The TKB-517 (Cyrillic: ТКБ-517) was a prototype assault rifle designed by German Korobov in 1957 and produced by TsKIB SOO in prototype form only. In 1957, the Soviet Main Missile and Artillery Directorate (GRAU) issued a set of requirements for …
German A. Korobov - Thinline Weapons Wiki
Aug 25, 2024 · Korobov had several projects at TsKB-14, including a new submachine gun and a new type of metal machine gun links, but his most famous design was the TKB-408. The rifle that went directly against Kalashnikovs rifle, the AK-46 now known as the AK-47 Type 1 .
TKBシリーズ - ナムウィキ
Mar 12, 2025 · ソ連で開発された火パブ式アサルトライフル。 内側は鋼鉄、外側はコーティングされた木でできています。 この銃とtkb-022pmが最初にfn f2000のようなチューブ式タンピー出口を使用した。
TKB-517突击步枪 - Wikiwand
tkb-517 是一枝由苏联轻兵器设计师日耳曼·a·科洛波夫为苏联军队而设计的原型突击步枪,可以全自动射击,发射7.62×39毫米苏联口径步枪子弹。 中文 Sign in
TKB-523 - wiki7.org
TKB-523 (vom Tula Design Bureau) ist ein sowjetisches Maschinengewehr, das von dem Deutschen Aleksandrovich Korobov bei TsKIB SOO entwickelt wurde .
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