Should a Neumann TLM 193 be this dark? - Recording org
What I hear from playback sounds hugely rolled-off by comparison to standing next to her. There's one other factor, a Steinberg UR22 pre-amp. If it was a piece-of-sh*t, I'd understand it, but it's not. Even as budget equipment, I don't believe it's rolling off that much top end. All I …
Neumann TLM 103 or RODE K2? - Recording org
2008年8月17日 · The K2 was brighter , required less gain to match the TLM , and on loud sources distorted before the TLM. In one studio we preferred the TLM and in the other the K2. The one studio where we liked the K2 better had bad acoustics (the studio sounded like a low pass filter).
Neumann TLM 193 ok for overheads? - recording.org
Neumann TLM 193 ok for overheads? anonymous 1 March 2005. I purchased a tlm193 and am happy with it. ...
MKH40 vs TLM193 - recording.org
MKH40. I probably use these mics on roughly 80 percent of the sessions I do, whether they're used as woodwind spot mics on orchestral sessions or in the studio for almost any acoustic instrument one can think of.
brass recording.
I have Neumann TLM 170, TLM 193, KM 184 I have a AKG D112 and a Shure SM57 I have an omni B&K. I don't mind buying new equipment to enlarge my collection if necessary. I have heard about Electro-Voice dynamic microphones. Thank you!
TLM-103. Anyone's fav. vocal mic? - recording.org
yes i LOVE it! i own one (the only mic apart from a sm 57) and i use it for EVERYTHING. obviously... i have recorded with a u87 also for a long time and although it has the same capsule the u87 has more presence in the high mids imo. it better cuts through the mix. however you can make up for that easily with some careful eq'ing. this is at the same time a good thing: the tlm 103 is much more ...
Blind (Plug-in) Test: Listen without prejudice - Recording org
So, no stuff like MC2000 or VW. a)The Led sax EQ curve is the same or as close as possible, due to some plugins presenting slightly different Q or Frequency numbers. b)A TLM 193 captured the performance of this Lead Sax. Signal Flow: Sebatron vmp-2000VU with EQ switches set to flat >Pendulum OCL2 > 02R96> 192 I/O Digital connected to a PT HD ...
Microphone & Preamp Recommendations? - recording.org
2006年5月6日 · I'd like to keep the cost of the mic and preamp below $500 Cdn. General purpose for recording male vocals. I've already got a midi sound card that has the capability of having a preamp hooked up to it.
-How to install a Windows DAW correctly! - Recording Studio …
2004年6月23日 · Should a Neumann TLM 193 be this dark? What colour means in a preamp? Which mic would be better? Neumann TLM 103 or TLM193? Audible difference between sample rates? Alesis RA500 any good? Buzz or hiss with Mackie 402vlz3; Voice effect California Love; Powered Speakers- Buzzing Sound; Neumann TLM193 vs U87ai
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