Send email over a secure TLS connection
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol that encrypts email messages for security and privacy. TLS prevents unauthorized access of messages when they're sent over internet connections. By default, Gmail always tries to send messages over a secure TLS connection. A secure, end-to-end TLS connection requires that both the sending and ...
Learn about email encryption in Gmail - Gmail Help - Google Help
TLS helps provide privacy and prevents eavesdropping or tampering with emails while in transit. To use TLS, both the sender and the receiver must use email delivery services that support TLS. In Gmail, emails that use TLS are also known as standard encryption . Learn more about TLS.
TLS & SSL connections - Google Workspace Admin Help
TLS is an updated, more secure version of SSL. Settings in your Google Admin console that mention SSL now use TLS. Google Workspace supports TLS versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. Set up TLS. By default, Gmail always tries to connect with TLS when sending email. Secure TLS connections require that both the sender and recipient use TLS.
Enviar correos a través de una conexión TLS segura
De forma predeterminada, Gmail siempre intenta enviar los mensajes a través de una conexión TLS segura. Para que la conexión TLS sea segura de extremo a extremo, es necesario que tanto el servidor de envío como el de recepción utilicen TLS. Cuando el servidor de destino no utiliza TLS, Gmail envía los mensajes, pero la conexión no es segura.
安全な TLS 接続でメールを送信する
TLS は、インターネット接続を介して送信されるメールへの不正アクセスを防ぐことができます。 デフォルトでは、Gmail は常にセキュアな TLS 接続経由でメールを送信しようとします。安全なエンドツーエンドの TLS 接続では、送信側と受信側の両
E-mails sturen via een beveiligde TLS-verbinding - Google Help
TLS voorkomt ongeautoriseerde toegang tot berichten terwijl ze worden gestuurd via een internetverbinding. Gmail probeert berichten altijd te sturen via een beveiligde TLS-verbinding. Voor een beveiligde, end-to-end TLS-verbinding moet zowel de verzend- …
Check the security of your emails - Android - Gmail Help - Google …
If you get a warning that your email isn’t encrypted, or there’s a red lock icon , the recipient may be using an email service that doesn’t support TLS or another encryption type supported by Gmail. Consider removing unencrypted addresses or deleting confidential information from the email before you send.
Informazioni sulla crittografia delle email in Gmail
TLS contribuisce a garantire la privacy e impedisce l'intercettazione o la manomissione delle email durante il transito. Per utilizzare TLS, sia il mittente sia il destinatario devono utilizzare servizi di recapito email che supportano TLS. In Gmail, le email che utilizzano TLS sono anche note come crittografia standard . Scopri di più su TLS.
Envoyer des e-mails via une connexion TLS sécurisée
Le protocole TLS (Transport Layer Security) chiffre les e-mails pour assurer leur sécurité et leur confidentialité. Il empêche les accès non autorisés aux messages lorsqu'ils sont envoyés via des connexions Internet. Par défaut, Gmail tente toujours d'envoyer les …
透過安全的 TLS 連線傳送電子郵件
傳輸層安全標準 (TLS) 是一種通訊協定,可用於加密電子郵件,保護安全性和隱私權。當電子郵件透過網際網路連線傳輸時,TLS 能夠防止未經授權的使用者存取電子郵件。 根據預設,Gmail 一律會在傳送電子郵件時,嘗試採用安全的 TLS 連線。