This document describes the interfaces and operation of the EUDET JRA1 Trigger Logic Prototype ( TLU v0.1a ) with firmware version 14. The TLU is intended for test-beam use and provides a simple interface between the beam-trigger, the DAQ and the device-under-test2.
ocument is an updated version of EUDET-Memo-2008-50. It describes the interfaces and operation of the EUDET JRA1 Tr. gger Logic Unit (TLU v0.2c) with rmware version 253. The TLU is intended for test-beam use and provides an interface between .
EUDET- and AIDA-type Beam Telescopes
This page collects all helpful references and documentation for the EUDET/AIDA-family of pixel beam telescopes based on Mimosa-sensors. EUDET-type telescopes incorporate a NI-based Mimosa DAQ and the EUDET mode for data acquisition (EUDAQ1 and EUDET TLU).
focusing more on the LHC experiments upgrade For the LHC detectors R&D from 4.34 kHz to ~1 MHz tracks per cm2 (Mimosa26 capable) improve: triggering (TLU ↔ DUT), DAQ architecture, Offline: pattern recognition/ tracking For large detector prototypes need …
EUDAQ / TLU a priori independent software framework / hardware module DAQ of EUDET-type telescopes built around them because they represent a flexible interface for DUTs or any other additional detector (e.g. timing layer)
Modify TLU hardware to allow stand-alone operation: ∗ Stand-alone configuration of FPGA. ∗ Switches to allow control by front panel. ∗ Display of trigger counts and TLU status.
GitHub - SiLab-Bonn/pytlu: DAQ and control software for the EUDET …
Pytlu can connect to the data acquisition framework EUDAQ 1, which is the common run control software used at pixel test beams. For the installation of EUDAQ 1.x please follow this wiki. To use the EUDAQ libraries within pytlu a python wrapper is used.
Status of the EUDET-type beam telescope infrastructure Jan Dreyling-Eschweiler for the DESY team BTTB7, CERN, 15th January 2019
EUDAQ serves as toolset and an integration layer for DAQ systems, providing the communication protocols for them to participate in a common DAQ. The design of the EUDET TLU and EUDAQ explicetly requires each DAQ system to issue a data packet readout by its detector electronics, and send it to a central Data Collector.
In this part of EUDET TLU tests will be explain how to acquire timestamps data from TLU with Run Control on EUDAQ software, and how to plot this values on ROOT for the frequency and the efficiency analysis.