肺功能评估指标傻傻分不清? - 知乎专栏
刚开始接触心肺康复的同学们,可能看到这个图都觉得晕,那么多指标,下面三大表格教你搞清楚~ 肺容积 (lung volumes)指标. 肺容量 ( lung capacities)指标. 肺通气功能评估 指标. 参考文献: Main, Eleanor et al. Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults and Paediatrics . Fifth edition. Edinburgh: Elsevier, 2016. Print. 中华医学会呼吸病学分会肺功能专业组. 肺功能检查指南 (第二部分)——肺量计检查 [J]. 中华结核和呼吸杂志, 2014, 37 (7):481-486. 编辑:Joanna. 肺功能评 …
A new paradigm for lung-conservative total liquid ventilation
2020年2月1日 · Here, we propose a radically new way of pulmonary ventilation for critical care situations. It consists in an automatized TLV of the lungs with liquid volumes below functional residual capacity (FRC) throughout the procedure.
怎么看肺功能检查报告单? - 知乎
残气量(RV) (肺功能检查) 正常值:男1.38±0.63L 女1.30±0.47L 临床意义:RV为深听气后残留在肺内的气量。 增加:肺气肿,小气道过早闭合等。 RV及FRC明显增加,提示慢性阻塞性通气障碍,如肺气肿、肺心病等。 功能残气量(FRC) (肺功能检查)
肺功能检查指南––肺容量检查 - 中华结核和呼吸杂志
体积描记法测定的是胸腔内气体容积 (TGV或V TG),平静呼气末胸腔内气体容积相当于FRC。 重复呼吸法测定的肺容量是FRC,然后再根据肺量计检查得到的肺容量指标计算出其他指标,如:RV=FRC–ERV,TLC=FRC+IC等。
肺功能检查报告解读「4步走」,新手入门就看这个_澎湃号·湃客_ …
2023年2月7日 · 刚刚咱们提到肺容量功能包括TLC、FRC和RV,肺容量反映的是肺脏体积和胸廓弹性回缩力的变化,其中最重要的指标是TLC。 如果TLC占预计值百分比<80%,可以判定患者存在限制性通气功能障碍,一般见于间质性肺疾病、重症肌无力、胸廓畸形等。
Here, we propose a radically new way of pulmonary ventilation for critical care situations. It consists in an automatized TLV of the lungs with liquid volumes below functional residual capacity (FRC) throughout the procedure.
A new paradigm for lung-conservative total liquid ventilation
2019年8月1日 · Background: Total liquid ventilation (TLV) of the lungs could provide radically new benefits in critically ill patients requiring lung lavage or ultra-fast cooling after cardiac...
A new paradigm for lung-conservative total liquid ventilation - The …
Here, we propose a radically new way of pulmonary ventilation for critical care situations. It consists in an automatized TLV of the lungs with liquid volumes below functional residual capacity (FRC) throughout the procedure.
肺功能检查指南——体积描记法肺容量和气道阻力检查 - 中华结核 …
VC、TLC的正常范围一般为预计值±20%;FRC、RV则为预计值±35%;健康青壮年的RV/TLC应为20%~35%,并随年龄增加而增高。 但这种方法存在一定的偏差,应予以注意 [1, 33, 47]。
A new paradigm for lung-conservative total liquid ventilation
This study demonstrated that TLV with an accurate control of perfluorocarbon volume below FRC could provide the full potential of TLV in an innovative and safe manner. This constitutes a new paradigm through the tidal liquid ventilation of incompletely filled lungs, which strongly differs from the …
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