Epson TM-T88V Series | Support | Epson US
TM-T88V Technical Reference Guide PDF. This document aims to provide all the information necessary for the development, design, and installation of POS systems.
Epson TM-T88IV - 80mm热敏票据打印机 - 爱普生中国
爱普生 TM-T88IV是一款80mm热敏票据打印机,它具有等特点,如需了解更多爱普生 TM-T88IV价格、图片、参数等产品详情,欢迎访问爱普生中国官网。
Epson TM-T88VII - 高速智能热敏票据打印机 - 爱普生中国
TM-T88VII具有与前代产品相同的系统兼容性,使用TM-T88V/VI的用户无需更改驱动程序即可轻松实现新型号的替换。 打印机内置NFC读取标签,通过NFC近场通讯技术,可实现智能终端与打印机的快速配对。 轻轻一靠,即可实现打印。 比前代产品更出众的省纸设计,最高可节约近一半纸张耗材,且不降低打印清晰度。 打开TM-Utility应用程序,扫描机器二维码,轻松完成与打印机的互连。 通过手机即可完成对打印机设置的操作,从而实现一键安装,省时省力。 兼容多语种, …
TM-T88V POS Receipt Printer | Products | Epson US
Epson's mPOS-friendly TM-T88V is the industry's leading POS thermal printer. It is fast, reliable, easy to configure and supports all the leading mobile operating systems including iOS, Android and Windows.
Epson TM-T88VI - 智能热敏票据打印机 - 爱普生中国
C31CE94381 | TM-T88VI | 微型印表機 | 印表機 | 商用系列 - Epson
無論文字或圖形列印,最快高達每秒350mm的印速。 針對原使用T88IV紙張客戶,提供低速機型,列印速度達 每秒250mm,可依實際應用及紙張選擇最適配的印表機機型。 優異的穩定性及信賴度. 平均開機發生故障機率 (MTBF) 36萬小時;無故障次數 (MCBF) 7千萬行;裁刀壽命高達300萬次裁切,適用於高度列印使用的商用環境。 簡易操作使用. 透過隔板放置可自由選用80mm或58mm紙寬之紙捲。 提供多種介面,滿足客戶不同系統需求。 功能設定可透過印表機按鍵設 …
レシートプリンター TM-T88Ⅶ | 製品情報 - エプソン
tm-t88Ⅵ後継機。 最大350mm/秒の高速印刷とマルチインターフェイスを実現。 周辺機器の接続・拡張性に優れ、クラウド連携も可能になったハイスペックスタンダードモデル。
TM-T88V User’s Manual 3 English Important Safety Information This section presents important information intended to ensure safe and effective use of this product. Read this section carefully and store it in an accessible location. Key to Symbols The symbols in this manual are identified by their level of importance, as defined below.
Epson TM-T88VII Series | Support | Epson US
This document aims to provide all the information necessary for the development, design, and installation of POS systems. This document contains an overview of the product, and usage instructions. This document describes Epson's limited warranty for this product (warranty valid in the U.S. and Canada).
Epson C31CA85084 TM-T88V Thermal Receipt Printer …
The TM-T88V is the latest addition to Epson's industry leading TM-T88 POS printer Serialies. Designed for use in food Serialvice and retail environments, the TM-T88V offers more speed, features and reliability than ever before. Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Vista XP 2000|Mac OS X v10.4 v10.5 v10.6 (Power PC/Intel Processor)|Linux.