Trimethylamine N -oxide–derived zwitterionic polymers: A
2019年6月14日 · Inspired by trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), a zwitterionic osmolyte and the most effective protein stabilizer, we here report TMAO-derived zwitterionic polymers (PTMAO) as a new class of ultralow fouling biomaterials. The nonfouling properties of PTMAO were demonstrated under highly challenging conditions.
华盛顿大学江绍毅团队《Science》子刊:新型高抗生物污染仿生材 …
受咸水鱼中TMAO的启发,该团队开发了 一类基于三甲胺氮氧化物的两性离子聚合物(PTMAO)的新型高效抗生物污染的仿生材料。 相关研究以“Trimethylamine N-oxide–derived zwitterionic polymers: A new class of ultralow fouling bioinspired materials”为题,发表在《Science》子刊《Science Advances》上。 图一 (A)基于盐水鱼类中两性离子渗透物(TMAO)得到的两性离子聚合物(PTMAO)。 PTMAO能有效地阻止表面在体外和体内环 …
Hydration and antibiofouling of TMAO-derived ... - ScienceDirect
2022年11月20日 · The recently developed trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO)-derived zwitterionic polymers have demonstrated excellent antibiofouling capability in various chemical environments; however, it remains unclear how they interact with proteins at the microscopic level.
Aorta- and liver-generated TMAO enhances trained immunity for …
2022年11月17日 · TMAO significantly reshaped transcriptome and upregulated 190 genes in HAECs. To determine the molecular mechanisms underlying UT-induced ER stress–linked mitochondrial stress in human ECs and CKD accelerated vascular inflammation, we adopted the gut microbiota generated UT TMAO–treated HAECs as a UT stimulation model.
Berberine attenuates choline-induced atherosclerosis by …
2021年4月16日 · Inhibition of TMA/TMAO production by BBR-modulated gut microbiota was proved by a single-dose administration of d9-choline in vivo. Metagenomic analysis of cecal contents demonstrated that BBR...
邵志敏/赵超/江一舟团队发表Cell Metabolism封面文章重要成果
2022年3月12日 · 通过给小鼠喂食tmao前体物胆碱可提高血浆和瘤内tmao水平,激活三阴性乳腺癌抗肿瘤免疫,提高免疫治疗疗效。 因此,补充胆碱摄入可以作为提高三阴性乳腺癌免疫治疗疗效的临床潜在治疗策略。
Gut microbiota dependent trimethylamine N-oxide
2021年10月1日 · Gut microbiota produce Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) by metabolizing dietary phosphatidylcholine, choline, l-carnitine and betaine. TMAO is implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease (CKD), diabetes, obesity and atherosclerosis.
2021年10月15日 · 密歇根大学陈战教授、康奈尔大学江绍毅教授和美国霍华德大学Wei Tao等人使用表面敏感和频生成 (SFG) 振动光谱,研究了三甲胺N-氧化物(TMAO)聚合物刷 (pTMAO) 的表面水合作用,以及盐和蛋白质对这种表面水合作用的影响。结果发现,即使暴露于高浓度盐溶液 ...
<br>主动脉和肝脏产生的 TMAO 通过 ER 应激/线粒体 ... - X-MOL
我们确定了肠道微生物群产生的三甲胺 (TMA) 是否在非肝组织中被氧化成三甲胺 N-氧化物 (TMAO),以及 TMAO 是否通过训练免疫 (TI) 促进炎症。 我们发现,在慢性肾脏病 (CKD) 中,内质网 (ER) 应激基因与 MitoCarta 基因共同上调;TMAO 上调人主动脉内皮细胞 (HAECs) 中的 190 个基因;TMAO 合成酶含黄素的单加氧酶 3 (FMO3) 在人和小鼠主动脉中表达;TMAO 将 HAEC 转分化为先天免疫细胞;TMAO 通过其受体 PERK 和 CREB 磷酸化胞质溶 …
Trimethylamine N-oxide promotes oxidative stress and lipid
2023年11月7日 · TMAO is synthesized through a meta-organismal stepwise process that involves dietary intake, production of TMA by microbial in the gut, and subsequent oxidation to TMAO by FMO3 in liver. Controlled dietary interventions can reduce the source of TMAO, probiotics, and antibiotics and even fecal transplants can regulate intestinal flora and ...