'TMF' From 'TMFINR' Plane Woman Freakout Video Possibly …
2023年8月25日 · It's been nearly two months since Tiffany Gomas' viral TMFINR public freakout video in which the distressed Texas woman declared that a passenger on her flight was "not real," and the internet may finally have a lead on the most pressing question the video raises — just who was "TMF?"
TMFINR - Know Your Meme
TMFINR is an acronym for "That Motherfucker Is Not Real," a memorable line and slang from the viral public freakout video in which a woman claimed a passenger on her flight was not real and wanted to get off the plane.
What Does 'TMFINR' Mean? How The 'That Person Is Not Real' …
2023年7月14日 · Once you know what to look for, you'll see these "not real" people more often, and now there's a term for when that happens: TMFINR (That MFer Is Not Real). Of course, there is no proof that these sorts of beings exist. Where Does 'TMFINR' Come From? The phrase is a quote from a TikTok video.
The Rise of the TMFINR Meme: From Plane Drama to Viral Sensation
On July 3, 2023, a video was uploaded on TikTok by user @knuckelslawncare that quickly took the internet by storm. The video featured a distressed woman on an American Airlines flight departing from Dallas Fort Worth airport, who was adamant that …
TMFINR: Decoding the Viral Phrase and the Meme’s Legacy
2024年6月7日 · Coined in a now-iconic public freakout video, TMFINR quickly transcended its origins to become a meme, sparking countless reactions, merchandise, and even philosophical discussions. This article delves into the meaning and history of TMFINR, exploring its cultural impact and the reasons behind its enduring legacy.
TMF Memes - YouTube
The Music Freaks Meme - Grilled Cheese (Audio is NOT Mine!)
TMF管式膜 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Porex管式膜(TMF)是一种采用低压驱动的错流方式运行的管状微滤膜产品,用于从料液中截留分离悬浮固体。 错流过滤 通常驱动压力范围是0.7bar~7.0bar,典型跨膜压差0.8~3.0bar。
临床试验|TMF是什么? - 知乎专栏
EMA 发布了题为“为确保临床试验在内容、管理、存档、审计和检查等方面更符合GCP规定,对(电子或纸质)临床试验主文件(Trial Master Files ,TMF)的相关要求”的指南草案。 该指南内容多数来自经修订的TMF反思报告(reflection paper)及最新修订的ICH E6,涵盖临床试验的内容、管理、归档、审计和检查等方面。 欧盟药品管理局EMA要求发起人和研究者“在临床试验结束后,应将TMF资料存档至少保存 25 年”。 TMF的良好管理的策略和方法. 1. 文档建立 要求:针 …
临床试验|TMF、ISF是什么? - 百度知道
2024年11月12日 · TMF,即临床试验主文档,涵盖了所有相关纸质和电子文档,由GCP法规指导,结合申办者或CRO的SOP,对药物临床试验资料进行规范化管理,确保试验质量。 其分为启动前、试验开展期间和关中心阶段三个阶段,任何包含受试者个人信息的文件不可存档于此。 而ISF,即研究者文件,由研究者/研究机构负责收集。 两者均作为过程文件,大部分内容相同,但关键区别在于复印件和原件的归属。 TMF由申办者归档,而ISF则由研究者/研究机构归档。 此 …
一文带你了解临床试验主文档(TMF)文件管理 - 知乎
临床试验主文档(Trial Master File,TMF)记录反映了实施临床试验有关所有功能性活动,数据管理、生物学统计、临床试验资料管理、药品安全、合规性、临…