The Effects of TMR® Fab 6 on Hamstring Flexibility in Healthy …
2024年7月1日 · The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a single bout of the TMR® Fab 6 assessment and treatment to increase hamstring flexibility in healthy participants as measured by the AKET and PSLR tests.
Test–Retest Reliability of the Total Motion Release ® Scale
2021年3月3日 · Six primary movements, known as the Fab 6, are performed by the patient and scored using a 0 to 100 scale. Clinicians currently utilize the TMR scale to modify treatment, assess patient progress, and measure treatment effectiveness; however, the reliability of the TMR scale has not been determined.
TMR Outlines | Total Motion Release
Total Motion Release – Level 1 will teach & provide extensive lab time for the therapist to learn the foundational TMR Exercises called the FAB 6, the rules of how to and when to progress these exercises, tweaks to speed the results, a formula that shows why a person is in pain, stays in pain or gets better, how to take the FAB 6 exercises ...
The Effect of Total Motion Release on Functional Movement ... - PubMed
2020年11月1日 · Conclusions: A single application of the TMR® FAB 6 protocol produced immediate acute improvements in FMS™ composite scores in a young, physically active population compared with no intervention. Clinical relevance: Research evidence exists to suggest impaired or dysfunctional movement patterns or movement quality increases risk of …
The Effects of TMR® Fab 6 on Hamstring Flexibility in
2024年7月1日 · The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the TMR® Fab 6 assessment and treatment to increase hamstring flexibility in healthy participants following one session of TMR®. By Richard D. Patterson, Alexander Zettlemoyer & 4 more.
The Effects of TMR® Fab 6 on Hamstring Flexibility in Healthy
2024年7月1日 · The TMR® group completed the "Fab 6" evaluation and treatment, while the control group performed one repetition of standing active hip flexion every 30-seconds for 15-minutes with both knees in full extension.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the TMR® Fab 6 assessment and treatment to increase hamstring flexibility in healthy participants following one session of TMR®.
[PDF] The Effects of TMR® Fab 6 on Hamstring Flexibility in …
2024年7月1日 · Clinicians should consider the use of TMR® to improve classification and treatment of patients with a chief complaint of hamstring "tightness," and support for TMR and IASTM in addressing mobility deficits associated with hamstring inflexibility/tightness is provided.
Six primary movements, known as the Fab 6, are performed by the patient and scored using a 0 to 100 scale. Clinicians currently utilize the TMR® scale to modify treatment, assess patient progress, and measure treatment effectiveness; however, the reliability of the TMR®scale has not been determined.
Total Motion Release Research | Occupational Therapy Courses
The Effects of TMR® Fab 6 on Hamstring Flexibility in Healthy Subjects; An Exploratory Observational Investigation. Click her for the research article. Results: A significant time by group interaction was identified across all variables (p ≤ 0.001) for AKET and PSLR except the PSLR preferred leg from post-treatment to 24hr follow-up.