TMS Labels & Buttons Pack
A collection of labels & buttons to make your applications stand out from the rest Discover TMS Software's comprehensive suites of VCL, FMX, .NET and FNC components tailored for Delphi, C++Builder, Visual Studio developers.
HOTAS Controls - DCS World Wiki - Hoggitworld.com
2018年4月11日 · Target Management Switch (TMS) manages targets, their selection, and other modes. 1 - Boresight is resetting the view to point forward in relation to the aircraft's nose and remaining there. 2 - Returns the TDC to the TVV. 3 - Selects the next missile on the selected rack. Toggle Autopilot.
TMS Smooth Controls Pack
Set of feature-rich sophisticated looking and smoothly animated visual controls including calendar, listbox, imagelist, panel, buttons, pagecontrol, LEDs, spinner, jogwheel…
Button 按钮 | TMSUI - QQ
支持多种场景和样式的按钮,支持微信原生button组件的相关功能。 click点击事件,当disable生效时不会触发。 支持原生 button 的其他所有事件。 按钮禁用时,click 事件不会触发,tap 事件依然会触发。
- [PDF]
TMS HTML Controls
Standard, flat, Borland and TMS style Checkbox and RadioButton control with multiline & HTML formatted caption capability. The HTML enabled radiobutton, checkbox, radiogroup and checkgroup are very similar to the standard VCL radiobutton, checkbox, radiogroup. The THTMLCheckGroup is similar to a radiogroup control but contains checkboxes.
TWebButton - TMS WEB Core - TMS Software
TWebButton is a button control similar to a VCL TButton control. The HTML tag the component can be associated with in an HTML template. Assign the ID attribute with a unique value and set the identical value to the ElementID property. Detailed information can be found in the Use of HTML templates topic.
TAdvSmoothButton iPhone-style smooth button - TMS Software
Elevate your Windows, Web, iOS, Android, macOS, and Linux development with our cutting-edge tools, including cross-platform UI frameworks, reporting solutions, web development kits, and data management systems. Experience seamless integration and enhanced productivity with TMS Software's innovative solutions for modern software development.
TMS Advanced ToolBars & Menus comprises a VCL component set to create toolbars & menus as found in 3 generations of Microsoft Office and Windows 7. This consists of the classic toolbars & menus of Office 2003, the fluent ribbon UI as found in Office 2007, the Windows 7 scenic ribbon and the Office 2010 style ribbon and application menu.
TWebDBGrid and AddButton - TMS WEB Core - TMS Support …
2022年8月22日 · Use WebDBGrid.OnGetCellChildren() event handler and set your button's ParentElement property to the cell element returned via AElement.element. 1 Like GOMEZEL_DINO (GOMEZEL DINO) February 27, 2024, 12:15pm
Switch 按钮 | TMSUI
支持原生 button 的其他所有属性。