The Chang School of Continuing Education - Toronto …
We provide learners with a rich education in both health informatics basics and more specialized skills. First, you’ll master the healthcare informatics fundamentals, including healthcare interoperability, healthcare systems, and the management cycle. Then you can delve into specialties like organizational behaviour, leadership, and big data.
Health Information Management | The Chang School of …
Transforming continuing education by offering career-related certificates, support services, and career advising that address the needs of continuous learners.
CHIM 408 - Statistics for Health Services Managers
This course introduces principles of statistics for use in health services. Topics include study design, sampling, description, summary, and hypothesis testing. Students apply methods such as ANOVA, correlation, chi-square and multiple regression using statistics software.
CHIM 408 : Statistics for Health Services Managers - Toronto ...
Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for CHIM 408 : Statistics for Health Services Managers at Toronto Metropolitan University.
CCHIM accreditation expands opportunities for Bachelor of Health ...
The BHA program has been accredited by the Canadian College of Health Information Management (external link, opens in new window) (CCHIM), which will allow graduating students to take the Certified Health Information Management (CHIM) exam. This designation is well recognized across the country and opens the door to a network of qualified ...
CHIM - Certified in Health Information Management
Certified in Health Information Management (CHIM) The CHIM represents Canada's most trusted health information professionals. If you’re looking for a career that offers stability, growth, flexibility, and advancement, the CHIM designation is for you.
Toronto Metropolitan University Home
Toronto Metropolitan University is located in the heart of Canada's largest city. Its distinctly urban campus features a culture that's innovative and entrepreneurial and a community that's welcoming and inclusive.
天津医科大学李琛,副教授,硕士生导师 - sph.tmu.edu.cn
电子邮件 lichen @tmu.edu.cn. 研究方向. 1.环境因素与人体健康. 2.线粒体DNA表观遗传学. 学习经历 . 2014年-2017年,天津医科大学,劳动卫生与环境卫生学专业,博士研究生/博士学位; 2011年-2014年,河北医科大学,社会医学与卫生事业管理专业,硕士研究生/硕士学位;