Tennessee Rare Plant List - TN.gov
Download the official Tennessee Rare Plant List published by the Division of Natural Areas by selecting the link above.
Natural Heritage Program - Tennessee State Government - TN.gov
Search and download data by County, Quadrangle, Watershed, or MS4 using our Rare Species Data Viewer.
Rare Species by County - TN
This webpage displays a list of rare species by Tennessee County. The list is contained in an interactive report that provides many tools for displaying, sorting, and downloading your data. You can even download the entire dataset for Tennessee as a comma separated values file (csv) compatible with Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet ...
Title: TN Rare Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1985 Created Date: 9/19/2016 5:27:21 AM
The Tennessee Natural Heritage program lists rare species by hydrologic unit codes (HUCs) because watersheds are more representative of ecological boundaries than more artificial boundaries like counties or quadrangles. The map on this webpage uses the two most common HUC categories, known as the HUC 8 and HUC 12 watersheds.
Tennessee Rare Trees and Shrubs | UT Tree Improvement Program
The State of Tennessee has a wide range of physiographic provinces, which are reflected by a great diversity of plant species, including forest trees and shrubs. The Tennessee Rare Plant List (Crabtree, Todd. 2021. Tennessee Natural Heritage Program. Rare Plant List. 57 pp. ranks species for relative occurrence within the state. According to ...
Rare vascular plants endemic to Tennessee are Pyne’s ground-plum ( Astragalus bibullatus), Harbison’s hawthorn (Crataegus harbisonii), Tennessee coneflower (Echinacea tennesseensis) , Ruth’s golden-aster
Quelles sont les TN les plus chères au monde - SNEAK OFFICIAL …
2023年10月24日 · Les Nike TN, une paire originellement chère. Dès sa sortie en 1998, la TN fait directement partie des paires alors les plus chères sur le marché. À l’époque, comptiez la modique somme de 800 francs pour vous procurer votre paire de Requins.
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation - Division of Natural Areas (TDEC-DNA) currently tracks over 1,100 rare and endangered plant and animal species as well as hundreds of conservation sites across the state.
Tennessee Rare Disease Advisory Council – TNR-DAC
The Tennessee Rare Disease Advisory Council’s (TN-RDAC) mission is to improve the quality of life and to support care for Tennesseans affected by rare disease through collaboration, education, support and advocacy.