oracle database - Difference between using a TNS name and a …
2013年4月5日 · There are multiple ways to connect to the database: SID, TNS name, Service name. I would like to understand what is the difference between each of these connections …
oracle database - Where is TNSNAMES.ORA? - Stack Overflow
2015年11月25日 · Unable to connect SQL State=S1000 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora] ORA-12170: TNS: Connect timeout occurred I presume, though I am no DBA, that this has something to do with …
Use tnsnames.ora in Oracle SQL Developer - Stack Overflow
basically it rounds to setting TNS_ADMIN system variable (because SQL Developer searches there ~ first) and, after restarting SQL Developer, choosing New Connection, and in …
Oracle - What TNS Names file am I using? - Stack Overflow
2008年8月30日 · TNS_ADMIN is an environment variable that points to the directory where the SQL*Net configuration files (like sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora) are located. Share Improve this …
database - Oracle TNS names not showing when adding new …
Define an environmental variable called TNS_ADMIN to point to the folder that contains your tnsnames.ora file. In Windows, this is done by navigating to Control Panel > System > …
Java JDBC - How to connect to Oracle using tnsnames.ora
2013年1月7日 · If you are using thin driver, ensure that your ojdbcX.jar file is in your build path. The steps to connect to Oracle data source using TNS Alias name are: Set System Property …
database - TNS entries in Linux - Stack Overflow
2017年7月6日 · Are you sure you need to update the entries on the server, not a client machine? If the server doesn't have any applications that act as clients then you may never have created …
How to connect SQLPlus with tnsnames.ora - Stack Overflow
2016年12月29日 · Path - C:\Oracle\instantclient NSL_LANG - with properly key ORACLE_HOME - C:\Oracle\instantclient ORACLE_SID - C:\Oracle\instantclient TNS_ADMIN - …
What is a TNS:listener in the Context of Oracle?
2012年12月28日 · Can you please post the relevant TNS entry (in the tnsnames.ora file)? It is located in ORAHOME\client or db\ADMIN\NETWORK. If you have both client and server, …
java - How to connect JDBC to tns oracle - Stack Overflow
2015年2月18日 · You have to set a property named oracle.net.tns_admin to point to the location of the folder containing your tnsnames.ora file. Then you specify the entry from that file after …