TO-220AB DIMENSIONS in millimeters and inches Notes (1) Dimensioning and tolerancing as per ASME Y14.5M-1994 (2) Lead dimension and finish uncontrolled in L1 (3) Dimension D, D1 and E do not in clude mold flash. Mold flash shall not exceed 0.127 mm (0.005" ) per side. These dimensions are m easured at the outermost extremes of the plastic body
都是TO-220封装,编号的“后缀”却不同……这是为什么? – 得捷电子
to-220ab是特定的jedec编号,“ab”是指符合特定的测量规范的3个直插脚编号。 TO-220-3 是通用的编号,指具有TO-220本体和3引脚的物料。 如今,相同的封装系列中还会有2脚、3脚、5脚或7脚等选择。
TO-220 - Wikipedia
Sometimes the designation is followed by the number of leads, as in TO-220AB-5L for five leads, etc. There also some vendor-specific variations such as International Rectifier 's SUPER-220, which dispenses with the hole in favor of clip-mounting, thus claiming TO-247-like thermal performance in a TO-220 footprint.
MOSFETs - TO-220 and TO-220AB package - Vishay Intertechnology
TO-220 and TO-220AB package, MOSFETs manufactured by Vishay, a global leader for semiconductors and passive electronic components.
TO-220AB Datasheet(PDF) - Vishay Siliconix
Part #: TO-220AB. Download. File Size: 253Kbytes. Page: 9 Pages. Description: Power MOSFET. Manufacturer: Vishay Siliconix.
TO-220封装,编号后缀解读 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在读Datasheet时,我们可能会对MOSFET Package的编码感到奇怪。如下图,你会发现“器件封装”编码为TO-220AB,而“封装/外壳”的编码则为TO-220-3。 TO-220AB. TO-220AB是特定的 JEDEC 编码,“AB”是指符合特定的测量规范的3个直插脚编。
都是TO-220封装,编号的“后缀”却不同……这是为什么? - 知乎
本文详细介绍了to-220封装编号不同后缀——如to-220ab与to-220-3——概念的定义与区别,帮助工程师正确选型。 关键词: to-220ab, to-220-3, 器件, 封装, 区别在查看封装时,人们可能会对物料封装的编号感到困惑。
海矽美产品封装TO-220AC与TO-220AB有什么区别? - mhchxm.com
2015年12月8日 · to-220ac与to-220ab这两种当初海矽美设计就是为了电路不同功能而设计的,单管的to-220ac电路中主要是为了实现电路当中单相导通的功能,而to-220ab封装多数用于开关电源当中,充放电时转换之用,以及结合电路作续流之用,相信有这方面工程师对此也都很熟悉了。
Recommended torque value (TO-220AB and TO-220FPAB): 0.55 N.m Maximum torque value (TO-220AB and TO-220FPAB): 0.70 N.m STTH1602C Package information
Vishay Semiconductors TO-220AB, TO-220AC DIMENSIONS FOR TO-220AC in millimeters and inches Notes (1) Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M-1994 (2) Lead dimension and finish uncontrolled in L1 (3) Dimension D and E do not include mold flash. Mold flash shall not exceed 0.127 mm (0.005") per side. These dimensions are measured at