15N-TOCSY-HSQC - Protein NMR
2012年10月24日 · To start with, an isotropic mixing step transfers magnetisation between 1 H spins. Then the magnetisation is transferred to neighbouring 15 N nuclei and back to 1 H for detection. This can help identify amino acid types. If assignment is being done using 15 N protein, only, it is a must.
Use of 1H-15N PEP-HSQC-TOCSY at natural abundance to …
1999年3月5日 · The application of 1 H- 15 N PEP-HSQC-TOCSY at natural abundance is demonstrated here on a 13 mM sample (0.048 mM 15 N/position) of the biologically active linear tetradecapeptide bombesin (MW=1619.9) as a way to expedite the structural characterization of peptidic natural products.
15N - Protein NMR
2012年10月31日 · If the protein is comparitively small (< ~150 amino acids) you can assign the 1 H and 15 N backbone resonances using 15 N-NOESY and 15 N-TOCSY epxeriments. 15 N-labelled protein can also be useful for titrations with ligands or …
Protein dynamics can be studied from 15 N relaxation rates and from 1 H {15 N} NOE data extracted from closely related HSQC and TROSY pulse trains. 2D and 3D NMR experiments such as, for instance, 1 H- 15 N TOCSY-HSQC (intraresidue assignments) or 1 H- 15 N NOESY-HSQC experiments (sequential NOE connectivities).
2D HSQC-TOCSY Experiment - Northwestern University
The 2D HSQC-TOCSY experiment is an hybrid inverse experiment consisting of an initial HSQC pulse train followed by a TOCSY mixing sequence. In the first step, magnetization is transferred from the X nucleus (13C or 15N) to the directly-bonded proton nuclei via 1 J(CH).
1H-15N HSQC - Protein NMR
2012年10月24日 · Magnetization is transferred from hydrogen to attached 15 N nuclei via the J-coupling. The chemical shift is evolved on the nitrogen and the magnetisation is then transferred back to the hydrogen for detection. This is the most standard experiment and shows all …
Multiple-quantum HCN-CCH-TOCSY experiment for 13C/15N
A multiple-quantum 3D HCN-CCH-TOCSY experiment is presented for the assignment of RNA ribose resonances. The experiment makes use of the chemical shift dispersion of N1 of pyrimidine and N9 of purine to distinguish the ribose spin systems.
A 15n-filtered 2D 1H TOCSY experiment for assignment of
A new method to selectively detect the ring resonances of the aromatic residues in 15N-labelled proteins is presented. The experiment consists of a 2D 1H TOCSY sequence withremoval of the amide signals via 15N-filtering.
IUPAC - 15N-TOCSY-HSQC (08309)
Three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for the assignment of protein structure with 1 nitrogen and 2 hydrogen dimensions. An isotropic mixing step transfers …
15N-TOCSY-HSQC - goldbook.iupac.org
Note: An isotropic mixing step transfers magnetization between \ (\ce {^ {1}H}\) spins. Then the magnetization is transferred to neighbouring \ (\ce {^ {15}N}\) nuclei and back to \ (\ce {^ …