5.2: TOCSY Spectra - Chemistry LibreTexts
A TOCSY spectrum displays an entire chain of protons, each of which is coupled to the next. As an example, we'll look at ethoxypropane. It has a two-carbon chain and a three-carbon chain, but the two chains are separated from each other by an oxygen atom.
Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
2D NMR encompasses a variety of experiments, [1] including COSY (Correlation Spectroscopy), TOCSY (Total Correlation Spectroscopy), NOESY (Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy), and HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence). These techniques are indispensable in fields such as structural biology, where they are pivotal in determining ...
结构确证常用核磁谱基本知识介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
H-H COSY :在氢-氢相关谱上的横轴耦合纵轴均设定成为氢的化学位移,两个坐标轴上则画有通常的一维谱,相互偶合的氢核给出交叉峰。 NOESY :(nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy),空间相近的氢核的关系1H-1H NOESY谱图类似于COSY谱,若两核间有NOE相关,谱图中出现交叉 ...
主题:TOCSY与COSY相比,优势在哪? - 仪器信息网
2005年6月2日 · TOCSY(全相关谱,TOtal Correlation Spectroscopy) 可以找到同一偶合体系中所有氢核的相关信息,也就是说,从某一个氢核的信号出发,能找到与它处在同一个自旋系统中所有质子的相关峰。
TOCSY | NMR Core Facility - Columbia University
TOCSY (Total Correlation Spectroscopy) creates correlations between all protons within a given spin system, not just between geminal or vicinal protons as in COSY. Correlations are seen between distant protons as long as there are couplings between every intervening proton.
原 】 有机基础知识---二维核磁谱(2D-NMR) - 360doc
2024年5月22日 · TOCSY (总相关谱, Total Correlation Spectroscopy ) 如果在氢接力 H,H-COSY 谱的脉冲序列中增加接力的级数,偶合相关的传递将逐渐增加。 TOCSY 谱就是通过特殊的脉冲序列,实现从一个氢核的谱峰出发,可以找到与它处于同一偶合体系的所有氢核的相关峰。
7.3: Two Dimensional Homonuclear NMR Spectroscopy
2024年12月18日 · Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY) The most basic form of 2-D NMR is the COSY (COrrelation SpectroscopY) experiment. This experiment looks at 1 H coupling to 1 H through bonds typically 3 bonds away. It relies on the J-coupling to provide spin-spin correlation to indicate which protons are close to each other on the cross peak.
关联性磁振频谱 - 百度百科
关联性磁振频谱(Correlation spectroscopy, COSY)是二维核磁共振(NMR)频谱学中的一种技术,其他二维NMR技术包括有J频谱(J-spectroscopy)、交换谱(Exchange spectroscopy, EXSY)及核欧佛豪瑟效应频谱(Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy, NOESY)。
University of Ottawa NMR Facility Blog: COSY vs TOCSY
2008年6月3日 · COSY (COrrelation SpectroscopY) and TOCSY (TOtal Correlation SpectroscopY) experiments are very common. Although both experiments provide a diagonally symmetric two dimensional contour plot with the one dimensional spectrum on the diagonal and correlations off of the diagonal, they have different information content.
COSY experiments provide information about 1H-1H coupling, showing crosspeaks for proton pairs having direct JHH couplings ranging 2.5 to 25 Hz for standard COSY and DQ-COSY, and smaller JHH using (long-range) lr-COSY. TOCSY1 is the last variant of homonuclear 2D experiments that we’ll investigate. The standard COSY is shown below next to TOCSY: