TOP 100 : The most popular TOS class builds of all time.
[Re:Build] New Class Build Ranking! - Tree of Savior Forum
2019年1月23日 · [CLASS BUILD RANKING] If you’re planning out your next classe advancement, have a look at our most popular builds! Selecting a Class in Tree of Savior doesn’t mean you will carry that Class until the very end. TOP 100 : The most popular TOS class builds of all time. RARE 100 : The mo...
A fan-made and open-source Database & Simulator for Tree of …
Fixed Rank 1 classes no longer show duplicated on the Simulator. Thanks @PetroSpark , @Zeucleio , @Montz and everyone else who reported! Fixed Shields/Shirts/Pants are no longer missing their +40 Anvil Enhancement bonus.
Current Meta Builds - Class and Rank - Tree of Savior Forum
2018年3月28日 · My advice: pick one of the builds from the top 100 list (https://treeofsavior.com/page/class/ranking.php), these are the most popular builds. Then look at public builds from experienced players here for more details (skills, stats, equipment…): https://www.tosbase.com/tools/skill-simulator/builds/
Is there any site currently that has build ranking?
2023年5月16日 · Is there any site currently that has build ranking? You might want to check in with the veteran players from IMCgames' official discord: https://discord.gg/KXjRZShFCK They …
Tree of Savior (English Ver.) - Steam Community
2023年4月23日 · There are currently over 87 classes available in Tree of Savior, with five main classes: Swordsman, Archer, Wizard, Cleric, and Scout. I have compiled a tier list for all these classes based on their skills, performance, and Vaivora effect. The Swordsman tier list is a bit different since they use multiple weapons.
TOS Ranks | TrekRanks | Star Trek
Comprehensive rank of each episode of The Original Series, from 1 to 80 (with the TrekRanks five-word summary & a hashtag). Completely searchable & sortable.
Latest Class and Rank topics - Tree of Savior Forum
2015年6月25日 · Build For a cleric Rank HELP MEEE! Discuss topics related to Class and Rank here.
ToS Database BR - Fansites - Tree of Savior Forum
2015年10月22日 · Tendo o mais completo Database e Simulador de Habilidades em português e uma grande visibilidade na web com mais de 20.000 visitas por mês, fazemos muitas pesquisas dentro e fora do jogo para trazer cada vez mais informações e noticias sobre a comunidade internacional, itens, monstros, cartas, mapas, mecânicas, NPCs, progressão dos ranks e nívei...
Tree of Savior Forum
Discuss topics related to Class and Rank here. We would like to hear from you. Feel free to give constructive feedback and suggestions for Tree of Savior based on your gaming experience. This is a place where you can report behavior that is obstructive to normal players to make a better in-game environment for everyone.