TPA6120 headphone amp | Headphone Reviews and Discussion
2004年10月9日 · Here's my noob attempt at a TPA6120 based headphone amplifier. Here's the schematic. It's similar to the THS6012 preamp schematic in this article by Rod Elliot, although somewhat simplified. The pcb dimensions are 1.7" by 1.3". That might actually be too small of a board area for the TPA6120 to efficiently dissapate heat though.
What I did with TPA6120 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion
2011年5月26日 · It's a mix of SMT and thru hole components, but then it certainly would be anyway, since it includes the TPA6120 and a transformer. The actual choice of components was strongly influenced by what I had on hand and what I could get …
HA-INFO (TPA6120) Headphone Amp - Head-Fi.org
2011年7月16日 · There is a TDA2030 18W amplifier which splits 18vdc to +/-9vdc. The driver is a TPA6120 which has been discussed on Head-FI in the past. It is a current-feedback-amplifier, CFA, which gives good performance but requires more sophisticated design skills than the common voltage-feedback amps. Note the 330pf blue caps on the circuit board.
doobooloo's TPA6120-based balanced headphone amp
2006年6月21日 · So I am extremely bored over summer, and I was reminded of my old TPA6120-based balanced headamp project. I was excited as I found something to kill time with, but I realized that when I reformatted my computer a while back all my Eagle files and libraries that I had built up had perished. But guess what.
My reference amp design TPA6120 - Head-Fi.org
2007年12月11日 · I agree, buffering TPA6120 inputs with another op-amp is a waste of sound quality. DC servo is a better idea to get rid of input currents influence on output DC. Actually, many months ago on another forum guys drew the same schematic (high current op-amps + DC servo) but used 2x LT1210 instead of TPA6120, and they claim it sounds very good.
Balanced TPA6120 amp ideas... - Head-Fi.org
2002年11月3日 · The TPA6120 would need perfectly matched resistors for the balanced config to work, the DRV134 has laser trimmed resistors but I still think that the sound was worse off then using a transformer. I'm getting the feeling that 2 TPA6120 would do more harm then good, but i'm undecided on the matter still.
I/V stage for PCM1794/8 + tpa6120 preamp - Head-Fi.org
2002年11月6日 · - Middle top is a opa2134 (or pretty much any dual opamp). It's set up with the tpa6120 (middle bottom IC) in its feedback loop. - The tpa6120 is soldered to both top and bottom groundplane, linked by vias. - The two opamps are powered through jumpers running under the board. - At the right, a typical dual lm317/337 regulator.
Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2014年5月6日 · - the configuration has the tpa6120 in unity gain inside the feedback loop of a jfet opamp; it makes it much easier to interface with an external potentiometer if necessary. - the bottom groundplane is just there to provide some extra cooling. - instead of a 10r resistor, I'm planning to use an inductor from fastron at the output.
TPA6120 or LT1210 ? | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head …
2005年5月25日 · After weeks of trying to determine which direction to go for building a headphone amp, I have finally narrowed it down to these two chips - One is a complete solution (TPA6120) whereas the other is a output buffer(LT1210). What I am looking for is a simple, compact/portable headphone amp...
Gain in for TPA6120 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head …
2004年5月19日 · I'm about to try and build something using this chip but I'm wondering exactly what the issues with the gain setting are for the TPA6120. The chip itself is a current feedback opamp so apparently there are issues to consider when using it as an amp. Perandars used an AD8620 on each channel...