Functionality for Holidex OXI - Oracle
During the process of a Rate Refresh from the HOLIDEX system, OXI now has the ability to parse rate messages in excess of 32k. A new TPI message (IR:R) has been created to exchange room rate changes for a specific date or date range within an existing group.
Messages To External System - Oracle
OXI ID. OXI creates a unique sequential ID for each outgoing message, which will be used for tracking and error handling internally. Note: The lower part of the Messages from External System is split into a Show XML/Show Ext for the messages and a part for Errors and Warnings.
OXI Message Status - Known Holidex Errors - Oracle
OXI first sends the UPDATE RATE event as rate message to Holidex. This rate update message already contains the block header date changes, which are accepted by Holidex. Next, OXI sends the second business event in form of a block header update with the same details again.
Oxy | Zero In
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) identified Oxy in November 2021 as one of only three oil and gas companies that "have set emissions reduction targets which are ambitious enough to reach Net Zero by 2050 and to align with TPI’s 1.5°C benchmark.” We have provided more details on our net-zero strategy, including interim 2024 and 2032 goals.
GDAL使用DEM数据计算地形指数 - CSDN博客
2013年1月15日 · 地形位置指数(Topographic Position Index,TPI)是用于描述地形微地貌的指数。 它是一种基于 DEM (数字高程模型) 数据 来 计算 的 地形 参数,通过比较某个 位置 周围区域的高程值和该 位置 本身的高程值,来得出该 位置 相对于周围 地形 位置 的特征。
一文解读工程塑料天王!PAI、PI、PBI、 TPI、PEEK材料! - 知乎
TPI(热塑性聚酰亚胺):在热固性PI基础上研发的,其性能与PI (热固性) 接近,且易加工优点,具有弹性模量高、抗冲击性强、耐热性好、尺寸稳定性好、阻燃性好、电绝缘性优、耐化学腐蚀、耐辐射等特点。 差异的话热塑性TPI耐温低于PI。 相比PI,TPI加工性能优异,除了可采用传统热固性PI的加工方式外,还可以采用挤出、注塑成型等加工方法,能够制造形状复杂零部件,可一次成型,可回收二次成型,产品精度高,但其强度、耐高温性有所下降。 可广泛应用在航空 …
9 TPI Protocol
The TPI protocol is based upon the communication protocol used by STK600 and AVRISP mkII. In those tools it is used for programming tinyAVR using TPI interface as well as AVR XMEGA devices using PDI and/or JTAG. This implementation supports only programming of tinyAVR devices using the TPI interface.
三井化学AURUM™(TPI)产品介绍 - 艾邦高分子 艾邦智造官网
三井化学从1988年开始生产aurum™产品(tpi,热塑性聚酰亚胺),被广泛应用于各行各业。 AURUM™在热塑性树脂中拥有最高级别的耐热性,颠覆了聚酰亚胺的性能卓越加工难的认知,是一款可以通过注塑成型方式实现高效率生产的超级工程塑料。
TPI功能膜在FPC中的应用可行性研究例 - 道客巴巴
TPI功能膜是一种具有较低的CTE和较高的Tg值,且即可作为保护膜也可作为粘合剂的新型材料,本文通过对TPI材料的各项性能研究,确定了其在FPC中的应用范围劢口工方法的可... 挠性和刚挠印制板FPCand R—FPC2014秋季国际PCB技术,信息论坛TPI功能膜在FPC中的应用可行性研究PaperCode:A—- 058李冲莫欣满陈蓓 ( 广州兴森快捷电路科技股份有限公司,广东广州510663)摘要在FPC ( 挠性板和刚挠结合板) 业界,保护膜所用胶及粘合剂的胶主要是一种环氧 …
热塑性聚酰亚胺 - 百度百科