BA-TPL_GPL_NPL_EN_V08.24. 5. 1.About this document. 608767115. These instructions provide you with important information on the function, safety and application of your product. …
Funke TPL Operating And Maintenance Instructions Manual
View and Download Funke TPL operating and maintenance instructions manual online. Brazed plate heat exchangers. TPL industrial equipment pdf manual download. Also for: Gpl, Gplv, …
Silicone oils the nickel brazed plate heat exchangers NPL are recom-mended. These series were designed for universal applications with media of low viscosity. Main feature is the balanced …
Home - NPL Construction
Built on over 50 years of experience, NPL provides natural gas and energy infrastructure construction solutions that endure. Built on a foundation of over five decades and a national …
FUNKE gelötete Plattenwärmeaustauscher können mit hohen Drücken und Temperaturen gefahren werden und zeichnen sich durch kompakte Bauformen aus. Gas bzw. Luft. …
标准 nf iso 3966 种类 椭圆形顶端和 npl 弯曲 系数 1.0015 ± 0.01 材质 不锈钢 316l 操作温度 0 ~ 600 °c 可选购 tig ( 惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊 ) 皮托管可耐温 1000 °c ( 除了 Ø 3 mm 皮托管之外 )
Model NPL Structure and functioning basically as described under 3.1. The difference is the brazing with nickel. The maximum allowable operating pressure is max.16 bar in the NPL …
bossed plates and the inserted turbulators (TPL) allow high turbulent fl ow even at low volumetric fl ow rates. This allows for effi cient use of the heat exchange area available and leads to a …
标准 afnor nfx 10-112 (此标准符合国际标准 iso 3966 要求) 种类 椭圆形顶端和 npl 弯曲 系数 1.0015 ± 0.01 精确度 < 1 % ( 当皮托管测量位置偏移气体流动方向 ±10° 内 )
물결무늬의 주름이 찍힌 열판과 그 사이에 추가로 삽입되는 난류형성장치(Turbulator/TPL)는 적은 유량으로도 강력한 난류를 발생시켜, 전열면적을 최소화 하고 열 전달 효율을 극대화 합니다. 또한 …