Taiwan Photon Source Beamlines - NSRRC
Taiwan Photon Source The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is one of the world’s brightest synchrotron X-ray sources geared toward world-class academic research. This accelerator consists of a low-emittance synchrotron storage ring of 518.4 meters in circumference and
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台灣光子源(TPS)的液氮傳輸系統於2015 年完成安裝和測試[1]。此系統包 括兩條總長度600 公尺的液氮傳輸管、8 個持液器裝置(Keep full)和24 條光束線 實驗站液氮分支管。TPS 每條光束線的液氮使用量需求大約是480 升/天。目前
In summary, the frontier TPS 13A BioSAXS beamline provides high flux for time-resolved, simultaneous SAXS/WAXS down to 1 μs for biological structures and structural kinetics, microbeam SAXS/WAXS for structural mapping, and USAXS for hierarchical struc-tural assemblies up to 1 micrometer length scale. With these unique features, the TPS 13A BioSAXS
line 13A of Taiwan Photon Source (TPS), open to users since September 2020, provides a high flux (4 × 1014 photons/s) for time-resolved and synchronized small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS-WAXS) of biomacromo-lecular solution structures over wide length and time scales. This advanced BioSAXS beamline also offers new oppor-
Advanced small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering beamline for …
2019年1月15日 · The TPS 13A biological small-angle X-ray scattering (BioSAXS) beamline under construction is equipped with 4-m IU24 undulator for X-rays in the energy range of E = 4-23 keV (covering the K-edge absorptions from Ca to Ru). The beamline aims for cutting-edge researches in biomacromolecular structures and kinetics, in solid and solution, covering ...
Taiwan Photon Source Beamlines - NSRRC
The TPS 13 BioSAXS beamline provides opportunities for cutting-edge researches in biomacromolecular solution structures and their kinetics, such as proteins, ribosome, protein-protein, and protein-DNA complexes under in situ stimulations.
Taiwan Photon Source Beamlines - NSRRC
(a) Schematic diagram of the TPS 13A online two-column SEC-SWAXS/UV-Vis/MALS/DLS/RI system, based on an Agilent 1260 HPLC sample purification system. An autosampler injects the samples into the system. Path A leads the sample to a …
尖端的生物結構小角度和廣角度X光散射實驗設施|Airiti Library 華 …
此生物小角度X光散射光束線位於台灣光子源(TPS 13A),安裝4米真空聚頻插件磁鐵(IU-24),週期長度24釐米,規劃產生X光能量範圍為4-23 keV。 此光束線的光學系統耦合雙晶體單光儀/雙多層單光儀(DCM/DMM)提供高能量解析模式(ΔE/E=1.5×10^ (-4))及高光通量(4×10^ (14)光子/秒)時間解析模式(ΔE/E=1×10^ (-2))的選項。 聚焦鏡系統包括:兩對水平-垂直聚焦鏡及一垂直偏轉鏡,兩對聚焦系統的聚焦比例約為1:1以減少光束發散程度。 前者搭配下游 …
BioSAXS 光束线 TPS 13A 上的数据处理和数据存储,Acta …
BioSAXS 光束线 TPS 13A 上的数据处理和数据存储 Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances ( IF 1.9) Pub Date : 2022-02-11, DOI: 10.1107/s0108767321088826
Performance of the new biological small- and wide-angle X-ray ...
2022年4月4日 · The design of the unique TPS 13A SEC system is based on an Agilent chromatographic system (1260 series) for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The system is integrated with UV–Vis absorption detection at the X-ray sample position, SWAXS experiments, optional MALS with one of 18 angles replaced by …