AN/TPS-43 - Wikipedia
The AN/TPS-43 is a transportable air search 3D radar produced in the United States originally by Westinghouse Electric Corporation's Defense and Electronic Division, which was later purchased by Northrop Grumman.
AN/TPS-43 - Radartutorial
AN/TPS-43 is a lightweight air and ground transportable radar designed for use with manned aircraft or surface-to-air missile batteries in a wide variety of tactical environments. It provides complete 3-D cover to 447 km on a fighter or fighter-bomber aircraft and measures heights over the full range by signal amplitude comparisons in six channels.
2022年5月5日 · AN/TPS-43是一型移动式战术三维监视、GCI和FCR系统。 该系统数字相干MTI,脉间频率捷变,干扰分析和发射选择,编码脉冲和旁瓣消隐的特点,提供了面对杂波和对抗措施的性能。 该系统可安装在两辆M35卡车上或者一架C-130飞机上,具有一个平板天线。 应用:移动式战术三维监视、GCI和FCR系统. 频率:2.9-3.1GHz. 重量:<3,400kg(包含掩体) 作用距离:450km(战斗机大小的目标) AN/TPS-70是远程战术雷达,能够同时探测和跟踪战术 …
AN/TPS-43 - 华文百科 - wikii.one
美国AN/TPS-43雷达家族及相关雷达 - 百度学术
TPS-43是由美国原西屋公司 (现诺思诺普·格鲁曼公司)于20世纪60年代研制的'种系列雷达,应用较广,是407/485L战术空中控制系统的主力雷达,部署该雷达的国家除美国外,有西德、苏丹、索马里、摩洛哥、沙特阿拉伯、阿根廷和英国等20多个国家。 该雷达共生产200多部,已交付180余套。 其中美国空军采购65部AN/TPS-43E,今后打算采用超低副瓣天线,更新了的电子设备和数字式显示器。 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供 …
Westinghouse designed the AN/TPS-43 to meet and exceed this stringent, and sometimes technically conflicting, set of specifications. The production record of the AN/TPS-43 is testimony to the wisdom of the USAF's design philosophy. Today, we are producing more TPS-43 radars than ever before.
AN/TPS-43 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AN/TPS-43 is a transportable 3-dimensional air search radar produced in the United States originally by Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Division, which was later purchased by Northrop-Grumman. It completed development in 1963 and entered US service in 1968.
AN/TPS-43 - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The AN/TPS-43 radar system, with a 200 mile range, was the only Air Force tactical ground based long range search and warning radar for nearly two decades. Most of the AN/TPS-43 radars are...
美国AN/TPS-43雷达家族及相关雷达 - 掌桥科研
TPS-43是由美国原西屋公司(现诺思诺普·格鲁曼公司)于20世纪60年代研制的‘种系列雷达,应用较广,是407/485L战术空中控制系统的主力雷达,部署该雷达的国家除美国外,有西德、苏丹、索马里、摩洛哥、沙特阿拉伯、阿根廷和英国等20多个国家。 该雷达共生产200多部,已交付180余套。 其中美国空军采购65部AN/TPS-43E,今后打算采用超低副瓣天线,更新了的电子设备和数字式显示器。 展开 . 1. TPS-43系列雷达结构设计综述 [J] . 张德骞 . 电子机械工程 . …
Evolved from the highly successful TPS-43E radar, the DAR incorporates state-of-the-art techniques in transmitters, receiver-processors, IFF/SIF equipment, displays, and digital target extractors -- all of which are proven through field deployment.