1994 LT1 Spark Plugs - NGK TR55ix - GAP? - CorvetteForum
2007年7月26日 · Also NGK specifies the TR55ix with the 0.044" gap for the 2000 LS1. Further supportive of the 0.044" gap is the NGK TR55ix (iridium) plug has a 4.6k ohm resistance, versus one old AC/Delco 41-906 (platinum) plug has 1.6k ohm resistance. Obviously, A smaller gap would be required with a higher resistance plug.
NGK TR55 OR NGK TR55ix - CorvetteForum
2005年2月3日 · C5 Tech - NGK TR55 OR NGK TR55ix ?????????????? - I am running the delco plat plugs now. The referalls seem to lead towards the ngk but for the TR55 OR TR55IX? There is a huge differance in price. I know the ix is an iridium plug. I'm going to change the wires to probably to the msd's. Thanx in advance for the...
NGK TR55IX iridiums have different LS1 gapping ... - CorvetteForum
2005年1月13日 · C5 Tech - NGK TR55IX iridiums have different LS1 gapping recommendations. Anyone know why? - According to the NGK website, recommended gapping for the TR55IX is .050 for 1997-2000 LS1s and .060 for 2001-2004 LS1s and LS6s... interesting. I hadn't realized before now that the recommended NGK gapping was different for...
ngk tr55ix gap - CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette Forum …
2006年10月18日 · C6 Tech/Performance - ngk tr55ix gap - anyone know what gap to use on the ngktr55 iridium plugs .
Don't Buy Ngk Tr55ix Spark Plugs - CorvetteForum
2008年5月6日 · C6 Tech/Performance - Don't Buy Ngk Tr55ix Spark Plugs - OK, i ordered NGK55IX spark plugs for my car. it comes pre gap at .059. the web-site says gap it to .044. i gapped it to .041 and some one told me i should not gap it more oR less than .008? so i called the tech dept at NGK and they told me i must replce it with...
NGK TR55ix Gap...the real thing? - CorvetteForum
2008年9月12日 · C4 Tech/Performance - NGK TR55ix Gap...the real thing? - Hi everyone I have a friend who is a little down on his luck. I did a search and came up with 0.35 to 0.65 as a gap for these plugs??? I am working on getting his 94 running a little better for him. I put new plug wires and TR55ix's in it and now it has a miss...
If you are running NGK TR55IX, what is your gap - CorvetteForum
2007年4月30日 · C5 Tech - If you are running NGK TR55IX, what is your gap - OK, you may have seen my other post, but I just wanted to check and see how many people are running the NGK TR55IX plugs and what gap you are running. I gapped mine at 44 and now it seems I have a small backfire. Is this because it is to tight of a gap and is...
Gap for NGK TR55IX spark plugs??? - CorvetteForum
2003年4月25日 · C5 Tech - Gap for NGK TR55IX spark plugs??? - My manual calls for a .065 spark plug gap, but I saw .050 listed for the NGK spark plugs. For those who have installed these, do you still gap them to the factory spec. or to the NGK spec?
What's all the fuss about TR55IX plugs? - CorvetteForum
2003年7月21日 · Re: What's all the fuss about TR55IX plugs? (Richin Chicago) I don't have the iridium plugs, just the regular copper TR55's, but the car did seem to run a little smoother after the change at 32K miles.
Spark plugs - NGK TR5IX & AC delco 41-110 (i searched)
2015年4月20日 · The previous AC Delco plugs were the 41-931 (gap .60). They have been replaced by the AC Delco 41-110 (gap .40). You can also use the NGK TR55IX.