约 39,700 个结果
  1. TRIM21 regulates pyroptotic cell death by promoting …

    2021年9月11日 · Here, we show that tripartite motif protein TRIM21 acts as a positive regulator of GSDMD-dependent pyroptosis. TRIM21 interacted with GSDMD via its PRY-SPRY domain, maintaining GSDMD...

  2. 【学术前沿】李继喜/陈向军发现促炎性细胞死亡的全新调控机制

    2021年9月14日 · 这项研究揭示了trim21在gsdmd介导的焦亡中发挥重要作用,为控制和治疗炎症相关疾病提供了全新作用靶标。 图示:trim21促进gsdmd高聚,从而正向调控细胞焦亡。 高文青博士和博士研究生李媛媛为论文共同第一作者,李继喜教授和陈向军教授为论文共同通讯作者。

  3. TRIM21 regulates pyroptotic cell death by promoting …

    TRIM21 interacted with GSDMD via its PRY-SPRY domain, maintaining GSDMD stable expression in resting cells yet inducing the N-terminus of GSDMD (GSDMD-N) aggregation during pyroptosis. TRIM21-deficient cells displayed a reduced cell death in response to NLRP3 or NLRC4 inflammasome activation.

  4. Scutellarin inhibits pyroptosis via selective autophagy degradation …

    SCU degrades p30/GSDMD through ubiquitin-dependent autophagic machanism. E3 ligase TRIM21 plays an important role in the degradation induced by SCU. Most of the pyroptosis inhibitors targeted Gasdermin D (GSDMD) are functioning by …

  5. 生命科学学院李继喜、附属华山医院陈向军合作发现促炎性细胞死 …

    2021年9月13日 · 这项研究揭示了 trim21 在 gsdmd 介导的焦亡中发挥重要作用,为控制和治疗炎症相关疾病提供了全新作用靶标。 trim21 促进 gsdmd 高聚,从而正向调控细胞焦亡。 高文青博士和李媛媛博士研究生为论文共同第一作者,李继喜教授和陈向军教授为论文共同通讯作者。

  6. 华山新闻 | 华山医院神经内科双聘教授李继喜、陈向军团队联合发 …

    2021年9月15日 · 文章揭示, PRY-SPRY结构域是TRIM21结合GSDMD的关键结构,并维持细胞中GSDMD稳定表达,且在细胞焦亡过程中诱导GSDMD-N发生高聚。 NLRP3或NLRC4炎性小体激活后,相比于对照组,TRIM21缺陷型细胞死亡率显著降低;同时,在沙门氏菌感染情况下,TRIM21敲除的BMDM细胞存活率也显著增加。 此外,TRIM21敲除的小鼠在脂多糖(LPS)诱导的败血症和葡聚糖硫酸钠(DSS)诱导的结肠炎模型中,出现的炎症反应明显减弱,死亡率明 …

  7. TRIM21 regulates pyroptotic cell death by promoting Gasdermin …

    Here, we show that tripartite motif protein TRIM21 acts as a positive regulator of GSDMD-dependent Pyroptosis. TRIM21 interacted with GSDMD via its PRY-SPRY domain, maintaining GSDMD stable expression in resting cells yet inducing the N-terminus of GSDMD (GSDMD-N) aggregation during Pyroptosis .

  8. The Regulation and Modification of GSDMD Signaling in Diseases

    TRIM21 directly interacts with GSDMD through the PRY-SPRY domain in vivo and in vitro to maintain the stable expression of GSDMD in cell . The discovery of this regulatory factor also provides a new target for fine-tuning and treatment of inflammation-related diseases.

  9. Here, we show that tripartite motif protein TRIM21 acts as a positive regulator of GSDMD-dependent pyroptosis. TRIM21 interacted with GSDMD via its PRY-SPRY domain, maintaining GSDMD...

  10. Ro52/TRIM21 – From host defense to autoimmunity - ScienceDirect

    2023年11月1日 · Gasdermin-D (GSDMD) is crucial for releasing inflammatory cytokines during pyroptosis. In this pathway, caspase-1 is activated within the inflammasome, cleaving gasdermin-D (GSDMD) into two fractions: GSDMD-N and GSDMD-C. TRIM21 can interact (by PRYSPRY domain) with GSDMD-N, making a complex leading to GSDMD-N oligomerization.