TRIzol™ 试剂 - 赛默飞世尔科技公司
赛默飞的trizol试剂是一种完整的即用型试剂,可从多种生物样本中分离高质量总rna或同时分离rna、dna和蛋白。 适用于生物医学研究、临床检测等领域。 我们提供全方位的技术支持和售 …
TRIzol™ Reagent - Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRIzol™ Reagent is a complete, ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of high-quality total RNA or the simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA, and protein from a variety of biological samples. This …
TRIzol试剂盒-RNA提取试剂-赛默飞 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
Invitrogen TRIzol试剂产品被数万篇文献引用,证明该试剂深受广大分子生物学家信赖,能够从多种生物学材料中提取高质量、完整的 RNA。 TRIzol RNA提取试剂分为若干即用型形式。
TRIzol™ LS Reagent - Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRIzol LS Reagent is a complete, ready-to-use reagent optimized for the isolation of high-quality total RNA, or the simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA, and protein from a variety of liquid …
总 RNA 提取试剂(Trizol),Total RNA Extractor (Trizol) 生命科学 …
TotalRNAExtractor 是一种新型的总 RNA 抽提试剂,内含异硫氰酸胍等物质,能在迅速裂解细胞或组织的同时灭活细胞释放出的核酸酶,保持 RNA 的完整性。 可同时处理大量不同样品。 提 …
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用户指南 TRIzol 试剂
Invitrogen TM TRIzol 试剂是一种即用型试剂,用于在1小时内从人类、动物、植物、酵母或细菌来源的细胞和组织样本中提取高质量的总RNA (以及DNA 和蛋白质)。 TRIzol 试剂含有苯酚、异硫 …
TRIzol™Plus RNA 纯化试剂盒 - 赛默飞世尔科技公司
The TRIzol Plus RNA Purification Kit provides a simple, reliable, and rapid method for isolating high-quality total RNA from a wide variety of samples, including animal and plant cells, tissue, …
碧云天生物技术-Trizol (总RNA抽提试剂)(R0016) - Beyotime
2016年9月17日 · Trizol抽提所得RNA可直接用于Northern,点杂交,纯化mRNA,体外翻译,RNase protection assay,cDNA克隆,以及RT-PCR;也可以用于基因表达芯片分析、高通 …
TRIzol reagents are tailored to isolate total RNA or to simultaneously isolate RNA, DNA, and protein from diverse biological sources. Did you know? The “TRI” in TRIzol stands for total …
TRIzol™ Reagent - Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRIzol™ Reagent is a complete, ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of high-quality total RNA or the simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA, and protein from a variety of biological samples. This …