Renault TRM 10000 - Wikipedia
The Renault TRM 10000 is a truck used by the French armed forces since 1987. It is utilized both as a troop transport and logistics vehicle. Production of the TRM 10000 began in 1985. It was developed from the TRM 9000, which was a 9-ton truck designated for export.
TRM 10000 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
TRM 10000(全輪驅動式戰術卡車10噸運載型,法文:Toutes Roues Motrices 10000),為法國 雷諾汽車開發的軍用大型卡車,被法國等國家軍隊使用。在不整地行進的速度上,遠超過過去的軍用卡車。
TRM 10000 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
TRM 10000(全輪驅動式戰術卡車10噸運載型,法文:Toutes Roues Motrices 10000),為法國 雷諾汽車開發的軍用大型卡車,被法國等國家軍隊使用。在不整地行進的速度上,遠超過過去的軍用卡車。
Renault TRM 10000 — Wikipédia
Le Renault TRM 10000 est un camion militaire français en service depuis 1987 2. Il est conçu pour le transport logistique (VTL) et les systèmes d'armes. La production du TRM 10000 a commencé en 1985. Il a été développé à partir du TRM 9000, qui était destiné principalement à …
TRM 10000 - Wikiwand
TRM 10000 (全轮驱动式战术卡车10吨运载型, 法文: Toutes Roues Motrices 10000),为 法国 雷诺汽车 开发的军用大型 卡车,被 法国 等国家军队使用。 在不整地行进的速度上,远超过过去的军用卡车。 本条目存在以下问题,请协助 改善本条目 或在 讨论页 针对议题发表看法。 事实速览 TRM 10000, 类型 ... 为了取代由1950年代开始使用的 GBC 180 卡车, 雷诺汽车 在1970年代开始开发TRM(全轮驱动车)系列,至1994年TRM10000开始量产使用。 TRM 10000,为法 …
The TRM 10000 6×6 French military truck - TankNutDave.com
TThe TRM 10000 6×6 French military truck is manufactured by Renault Trucks and is the successor to the TRM 9000th. It is primarily intended for transporting military loads, but there are also versions for other tasks.
Renault TRM 10000 - Wikiwand
The Renault TRM 10000 is a truck used by the French armed forces since 1987. It is utilized both as a troop transport and logistics vehicle.
르노 TRM 10000 - 나무위키
2024年1月27日 · TRM 10000은 이전에 수출용으로 설계된 구형 9톤 TRM 9000을 베이스로 대형화하여 개발되었으며 TRM 9000보다 휠베이스가 길어지고 개선된 변속기와 더 강력한 엔진이 장착되는 변화가 생겼다. 적재 구역의 벤치 좌석에는 최대 24명의 병사가 탑승할 수 있다. 기본형 트럭 이외에도 공병용 크레인 트럭, 미사일 캐리어, CL-289 드론 운반차, 유조차 같이 용도에 따라 다양한 버전으로 생산되었다. TRF1 곡사포를 견인하기 위한 캡 이 확대된 포병 트랙터 형식도 존재한다. …
The Renault TRM 10 000 differs by having a longer wheelbase, a revised transmission and a more powerful engine. The initial order was for 178 vehicles and a second order for 759 was placed in 1987.
Renault TRM 10000 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Renault TRM 10000 is truck used by the French armed forces, in use since 1987. It is used both as a troop transport and logistics vehicle. Production of the TRM 10000 began in 1985. It was developed from the TRM 9000, which was a 9 ton truck designated for export.
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